On February 8, Republicans in Cass County will meet to conduct vital party business, including electing delegates to the state convention. Watch URCND.org for more details coming soon.
Districts included as of 1/29/2024:
10 – District membership dues are $20 ($10 for full-time students) and can be paid at the door. Membership shall be granted to any resident voter of the district who commits to support the principles of the Republican Party. Our bylaws state that our precinct committee people, legislators or nominees, and executive committee members are automatic delegates, provided they meet all other requirements. |
11 – District membership dues are $11 and can be paid at the door. State delegate election only (no legislative candidate endorsement). Must be an American citizen 18 years or older, provide proof of residence within the district, have resided in the district for at least 30 days, and believe in the principles of the Republican Party. Membership is required in order to vote. |
13 – District membership dues are $___. Must be a resident of the district, believe in the principles of the Republican party, and intend to support its candidates. District dues paying members become eligible to vote 5 days after paying their dues. |
16 – Participation in the legislative candidate endorsement portion of the meeting requires being a due paying member of District 16 Republicans at least 14 days prior to the event. Participation in State convention delegate selection requires being a due paying member of District 16 Republicans prior to the event. Dues must be paid by January 24th @ 7pm in order to vote for endorsed candidates. Those wishing to be considered as a state convention delegate must pay their NDGOP $50 state membership dues as well as their $25 District 16 Republican membership dues before the NDGOP State Convention. Anyone that would like to be considered for legislative candidate endorsement must be a dues paying member of District 16 Republicans and the North Dakota Republican Party and must notify the District 16 Republican Chair, DeAnn Reed at: wfndd16@gmail.com at least 21 days prior to the legislative candidate endorsing convention. |
21 – No district membership dues. Membership shall be granted to any resident voter believing in the principles of the Republican Party. |
27 – District membership dues are $10 and can be paid at the door prior to the convention start. Must be an American citizen 18 years or older, provide proof of residence within the district, and believe in the platform of the Republican Party and intend to support its candidates. To run as a delegate, NDGOP dues of $50 must be paid before the beginning of the convention. |
41 – District membership dues are $25 ($10 for full-time students). Must be a resident of the district, believe in the principles of the Republican Party and intend to support its candidates. Both district and NDGOP dues ($50) are required for participation. |
44 – District membership dues are $25. Please bring identification to prove residence in the district. Must be an American citizen 18 years or older and intend to vote or affiliate with the Republican Party in the next general election. |
45 – Must be at least 18 and live in District 45 for at least 6 months. NDGOP dues must be paid prior to the convention. District dues are not mandatory. |
5:30 Doors open for registration and mingling
6:00 Main program – speakers to be announced
7:00 District breakout sessions
4801 Amber Valley Pkwy S
Fargo, North Dakota 58104
United States
Email: info@urcnd.org