
The rights of American citizens proceed from The Creator, not from government. Government authority proceeds only from the consent of the People. Individuals, including the unborn, have the intrinsic right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Individuals and families are responsible for their behavior. Public policy should encourage and empower their efforts to provide for their own health, safety, education, moral fortitude and personal wealth.

Federal, state and local governments should be transparent and limited to their respective roles, in accordance with the Tenth Amendment. The size of government, government regulations, and entitlement and transfer programs, should be limited to essential, inherently governmental functions.

National security, national sovereignty, public safety, the right of self-defense, the rule of constitutional and statutory law, and civil justice should be preserved without excessive burdens to civil liberty.

Individuals, families and the government should be responsible in their spending. Taxpayers expect the government to be efficient and avoid waste with their money. The State should only collect taxes to fund legitimate government functions. Government taxes and fees should be limited to essential, inherently-governmental functions and not for the forced redistribution of wealth, or disproportionate advantages for targeted interest groups.

We uphold the right of individuals to keep and bear arms, a right, which antedated the Constitution and was solemnly confirmed by the Second Amendment.

Traditional American families should be encouraged and supported by policies to nurture strong marriages consisting of one man and one woman, to support moral values, and to create, control and maintain their individual wealth with minimal interference from government.

We acknowledge the immutable biological reality of, and the differences between, the two sexes, male and female, as well as their unique and complementary functions, to be the foundation for natural human life.

Parents, should have the right to rear and educate their children according to high standards of character and quality, with minimal government interference. Parents are ultimately responsible for their family’s education and should be able to choose among traditional, charter, home school, on-line, private, or other alternative schools. School children should not be restricted in their rights to voluntary prayer, religious expression, and acknowledgement of God, the American flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

Legislators should lead through personal moral integrity, and should consider this Platform responsibly before supporting or opposing legislation.


The powers, rights, privileges, and duties of the State Committee and of the Chairman thereof are  provided by law, and the State Committee is authorized by law to adopt Rules for its proper  governance. The State Committee is the sole Republican organization with statewide representation  which is given official standing by law. The State Committee, therefore, is by virtue of law the sole  official body endowed with official authority to guide the destiny of The North Dakota Republican  Party and to correlate and coordinate all Republican activities and influence throughout North  Dakota with that of the Republican Party nationally. 

The following rules are hereby adopted and declared to be the Rules for the governance and  organization of The North Dakota Republican Party.

The name of this organization shall be “The North Dakota Republican Party.” 

The purpose of The North Dakota Republican Party shall be to promote sound, honest, and limited  constitutional government in the state and nation by electing Republicans to public office. A further  purpose of The North Dakota Republican Party shall be to preserve and protect the dignity, rights,  and liberties of the individual. The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of  people whatever they need to have done but cannot do for themselves, in their separate and  individual capacities. In all that the people can individually do as well for themselves, a government  ought not to interfere.

The North Dakota Republican Party membership shall require payment of annual dues, determined  by the State Committee. The State Committee may set the amount of State Party dues by a majority  vote. Any dues changes shall take place on January 1 of any given year. 

Comment: A person wishing to join The North Dakota Republican Party may submit dues to State Party Headquarters, or to a District by contributing to The North Dakota Republican Party. Likewise, a  person wishing to contribute to a District would make payment to the District, if the District so  provides in its bylaws. A person making a contribution to the District does not become a member of The North Dakota Republican Party.

Section 9. Conflict of Interest

The nomination, endorsement, or filing as a candidate for any state or federal office by an officer of the State Committee, or by the National Committeeman or National Committeewoman, will automatically constitute his or her resignation from such office.

Section 1. Purpose 

The general supervision, regulation, and direction of affairs of The North Dakota Republican Party  shall be vested in the State Committee.  

Section 2. Duties 

1. To establish and maintain a state headquarters. 

2. To do any and all other acts necessary to accomplish the program and policies of the State  Convention. 

Section 3. State Committee Membership 

State Committee voting members shall include District Chairmen from all North Dakota Legislative  Districts, Officers of the State Committee, the National Committeeman, the National  Committeewoman, the Republican Leader of the North Dakota House of Representatives, the  Republican Leader of the North Dakota Senate, and the highest-ranking Republican elected to North  Dakota’s State Executive Branch.  

Ex-officio, non-voting members of the State Committee shall include all North Dakota Republican  members of the United States Congressional Delegation, all Republican officials elected to North  Dakota’s State Executive Branch, the immediate past State Party Chairman, the State Chairman of the North Dakota Young Republicans, the State Chairman of the North Dakota College Republicans and  the State Finance Chairman. 

All voting and non-voting membership participation is contingent upon North Dakota residency. 

Section 4. Meetings 

The District Chairmen, shall meet on or before July first of each odd- numbered year and organize in  accordance with state law. Only the duly elected District Chairmen or their designated proxy shall  vote to elect the Officers of the State Committee listed in Section 7 of this Article such that each  legislative district in the state is entitled to one vote. The State Committee shall hold at least two  meetings each year at the call of the State Chairman and at such other times as ten members, in  writing, request the State Chairman that a meeting be held. No person may be allowed to vote at a  State Committee meeting unless that person has paid his/her State party dues. 

Section 5. Notice of Meetings 

Fifteen days written or electronic notice of all meetings shall be given to each member of the State  Committee.         

Section 6. Quorum

A majority of the duly-elected and serving members of the State Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at all meetings. 

Section 7. Officers 

The officers of the State Committee shall be a State Chairman, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair,  Secretary, and Treasurer. All officers shall be entitled to vote on all questions coming before the State  Committee for consideration, except for the election of the State Committee officers. The State  Chairman shall vote only in eligible votes, when his or her vote will alter the outcome or when secret  ballots are employed. The officers elected need not be members of the State Committee. A vacancy on the State Committee, other than a District Chairman, shall be filled by a majority vote of the current  State Committee. The State Committee shall have the power to provide compensation for the office of the State Chairman on a part-time or full-time basis. 

Section 8. Duties of Officers 

1. State Party Chairman: The State Party Chairman, as The North Dakota Republican Party’s Chief  Executive Officer, shall serve as the presiding officer at all State Committee functions. The State  Party Chairman is responsible for exercising and discharging the duties conferred to the office in  The North Dakota Republican Party’s Rules, Republican National Committee Rules, and state  

law. The Chairman shall appoint all standing and special committees of The North Dakota  Republican Party.  

2. 1st Vice Chair: The 1st Vice Chair, in the absence of the State Chairman, shall preside at all  meetings of the State Committee. If a vacancy occurs in the office of State Chairman, caused by  death, resignation, or otherwise, then the 1st Vice Chair shall be the Acting Chairman until the  next meeting of the State Committee. 

3. 2nd Vice Chair: The duties of the 2nd Vice Chair are to assist the State Chairman, and to perform  such other duties as the State Chairman may from time to time request. If a vacancy occurs in the  office of State Chairman, caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, then the 2nd Vice Chair shall  be the Acting 1st Vice Chair until the next meeting of the State Committee. 

4. Secretary: The Secretary of the State Committee shall attend the meetings of the State Committee  and keep the minutes of the proceedings. The record of said minutes shall be certified and  attested by the Secretary and delivered to all State Committee Members. 

The Secretary shall  provide copies of the State Committee and the Executive Committee minutes to all legislators that request to have their names placed on the distribution list for minutes. The Secretary shall keep  an up-to-date roll of the State Committee members, State Committee Officers, and Executive  Committee members. 

5. Treasurer: The Treasurer of the State Committee shall be the custodian of all moneys belonging to the State Committee and shall pay out the same only on the direction of the State Chairman. He  shall keep a strict accounting of all moneys received and paid out with the date of such receipt  and payments, from whom received, to whom paid and for what purpose, which account at all  times shall be accessible to the State Chairman. The Treasurer shall report the State Party’s  current financial position at State Committee Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings. At  the end of the Treasurer’s term of office, he or she shall turn over to his or her successor all  moneys, books, and papers of the State Committee remaining in his or her hands. The Treasurer  shall be required to ensure compliance with all finance and reporting requirements of State and  federal law.  

Section 9. Removal of Officers

The State Committee may remove from office any Party Official for neglect of duty, malfeasance,  absence from office, conduct unbecoming of a Party Official, or for other cause as determined by the  State Committee. 

Section 10. State or Federal Candidate Conflict of Interest 

The nomination, endorsement, or filing as a candidate for any state or federal office by an officer of  the State Committee, or by the National Committeeman or National Committeewoman, will  automatically constitute his or her resignation from such office. 

Section 11. DataCenter 

DataCenter information is the property of the State Committee, and access shall be provided to the  chairmen of each legislative district, endorsed candidates for legislative and statewide office, and local users authorized by the District Chairman. Access to DataCenter shall not be provided candidates for  state legislative office who are not endorsed by the legislative district nor to statewide candidates who are not endorsed at the State Convention. If a non-endorsed candidate for legislative office is the  party’s nominee by way of a June primary election, then DataCenter access shall be provided at the candidates’ request. 

No state party official, District Chairman, or other authorized user shall transfer DataCenter information to a non-authorized user at any time. All DataCenter users shall complete  training provided by the State Party and sign a list ownership and confidentiality agreement before  being provided access.

Regional Chairmen are elected to serve terms between State Party reorganizations (approximately  two years) by a majority vote of District Chairmen in the Region present at the reorganizational State  Committee Meeting. The Regions may meet during the year at the call of the Regional 

Chairman.  Regional Chairmen must reside in the region and be a District Chairman. The Regions will consist of  the following Legislative Districts: 

1. Northwest Region: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 23, 26, 38, 40 

2. Northeast Region: 9, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 42, 43 

3. Southeast Region: 10, 11, 13, 16, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 41, 44, 45, 46 

4. Southwest Region: 7, 8, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 47

Section 1. Purpose 

The Executive Committee shall be responsible for The North Dakota Republican Party’s execution of  policy and management of political activities, as promulgated by the State Committee and to ratify  the State Chairman’s appointments of standing committees on (1) Research, (2) Organization, (3) Publicity, (4) Finance and Auditing, (5) Campaign, and any other necessary committees.

Section 2. Membership 

Voting members of the Executive Committee shall include, Officers of the State Committee, the  National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, the Republican Leader of the North  Dakota House of Representatives, the Republican Leader of the North Dakota Senate, the highest ranking Republican elected to North Dakota’s State Executive Branch, and the four Regional  Chairmen. Officer vacancies shall be filled by the majority State Committee, upon fifteen days’ notice. 

Ex-officio, non-voting members of the Executive Committee shall include all North Dakota Republican members of the United States Congressional Delegation. 

Section 3. Meetings 

Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the State Chairman upon notice to each  member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may meet by electronic means  provided all parties can simultaneously hear each other. 

Section 4. Voting 

A majority vote of the members of the Executive Committee shall be required for the transaction of  business at all meetings except as required by the parliamentary authority. 

Section 5. Duties and Authority 

1. To establish The North Dakota Republican Party Federal Committee, which shall be responsible for  raising and spending money for federal candidates. This Federal Committee shall be the only State  Party Committee which shall raise money for Federal candidates and shall follow the laws and rules of the Federal Election Commission. 

2. To further promote the growth of The North Dakota Republican Party, the Executive Committee shall maintain a link on the homepage to assist prospective new members who want to get  involved at the grassroots level. This page shall include: a diagram showing the organizational structure of the NDGOP, the timeframe and purpose of district reorganization meetings, the functions of District Chairs and district organizations, the purpose of the district and state  conventions, and a means of identifying their legislative district and contacting their District Chair.

Minutes of all Executive Committee meetings will be distributed to the members of the State  Committee for them to comment on and review at the next meeting of the State Committee. 

Each Region will be entitled to one member on the Rules Committee to be chosen by the Regional  Chairman. The State Chairman will appoint the Rules Committee Chairman to be confirmed by the  State Executive Committee. 

The Committee on Rules will establish the standing rules for the State Republican Endorsing  Convention subject to approval by the State Committee. The Committee on Rules shall persist as a  standing committee, meeting as needed to address and/or propose additional changes or  modifications to the rules governing the NDGOP subject to approval of the State Committee. The  Committee on Rules shall also be tasked with biennial review of the NDGOP Platform and bringing  any alterations to it.

Section 1. District Organization 

Each District Committee’s jurisdiction exists within the confines of their Legislative Districts, defined  in North Dakota Century Code §54-03-01.14. Consistent with state law and district bylaws, districts  may organize under either a precinct model or an at-large model. 

A caucus shall be held on or before May 15 following each General Election. The District Committee shall meet in every odd-numbered year within fifteen days after the caucus to reorganize. The time  and place of the caucus and District Committee reorganization meeting shall be set by the District  Chairman. 

All District caucuses, reorganization meetings, conventions to elect delegates, and legislative  endorsing conventions, shall be noticed on the state party website at least 10 days in advance. The  notice must also precede any deadlines set by participation requirements by 10 days. All necessary  details of participation requirements for prospective participants, including candidates, must be  provided within the notice. For any meeting requiring public notice in the local paper of record, such  notice shall include the aforementioned details on the aforementioned timeframe. 

Section 2. Duties 

1. To establish and maintain a District Committee.  

2. Subject to The North Dakota Republican Party State Committee Rules and North Dakota Century

      Code, to govern the District Party with full authority in between District Reorganizations. 

Section 3. Meetings 

The District Committee shall have such other meetings as are duly called by the Chairman, or as  otherwise prescribed by the District bylaws.  

Section 4. Officers

The officers of the District Committee shall be a Chairman, one or more Vice Chairmen, a Secretary,  and a Treasurer. 

The District Committee shall form an Executive Committee consisting of the District officers, the  Party’s nominees for and members of the Legislative Assembly, and other persons consistent with the  Bylaws of the District Committee and state law. 

Section 5. Rules 

The District Committee shall have the authority to adopt its own Rules and Modes of Procedure so  long as they do not conflict with the Rules of the State Committee or state law. The District  Committee may include in its own Rules payment of a specified amount of dues to establish affiliation with the District Republican Party. The District Committee may limit entry to District Conventions  and District meetings to those who satisfy the membership criteria for the District. 

Whenever a district’s bylaws are amended, revised bylaws, along with indication of the date of  revision, must be submitted to the State Party. Bylaws must be received by the State Party at least 30  day prior to any district meeting. District meetings shall be governed by the most recent revision of that district’s bylaws on file with  the state party. 

The State Party will provide, upon request, an electronic copy of a district’s most recent bylaws to any  member of that district’s Executive Committee. 


Ninety (90) days prior to the State Republican Endorsing Convention, the State Chairman and the  State Executive Committee shall issue to the State Republican Committee the Call of the Convention.  The Call of the Convention shall include the purpose, date, place, and the time of the State  Republican Endorsing Convention 


Section 1. District Endorsing Convention. 

During the period between January 1 and March 1 of an even year the District Chairman shall call a  convention for the purpose of electing delegates and alternates to the State Republican Endorsing  Convention. 

Section 2. Eligibility.

Delegates and alternates to the State Republican Endorsing Convention must be an American citizen  of voting age (18) by the time the convention is called to order and must have been a resident of the  District for the 30 days immediately preceding the District Convention. 

Initial delegate and alternate lists are due to party headquarters 30 days prior to the start of the State  Convention. Final delegate and alternate lists are due to party headquarters 15 days prior to the start  of the State Convention. 

In order to be credentialed at the convention a delegate/alternate must be on the final delegate and  alternate list from the district and have paid dues online or postmarked by mail to party headquarters at least 10 days prior to the start of the State Convention. 

No person may seek election as a delegate or alternate in more than one District during one election  cycle. In addition, the delegates and alternates must have affiliated with the Republican Party in the last general election or intend to vote or affiliate with the Republican Party in the next general  election. 

Section 3. Non-Discrimination. 

No American citizen eligible to vote shall be denied from participating as a delegate or alternate for  reasons of sex, race, religion, color, age, or national origin. 

Section 4. Allocation of Delegates and Alternates Between Districts. 

Delegates and alternates to the State Republican endorsing convention shall be allocated as follows: 

  1. One delegate for every 300 votes cast for the Republican candidate for Governor in the previous  General Election. In the event that a Legislative District has 100 percent new territory as compared to  the Legislative District’s territory in the prior election cycle, that Legislative District shall receive  delegates equal to the average number of delegates granted under this subsection (4a) for all the  Legislative Districts from which the territory of the new district was acquired during the prior election cycle, rounded up. One delegate for every 300 votes cast for the Republican candidate for  U.S. House of Representatives in the previous General Election. In the event that a Legislative District has 100 percent new territory as compared to the Legislative District’s territory in the prior election  cycle, that Legislative District shall receive delegates equal to the average number of delegates  granted under this subsection (4b) for all the Legislative Districts from which the territory of the new  district was acquired during the prior election cycle, rounded up. 
  1. One delegate for every 300 votes cast for the Republican candidate for President in the previous  General Election. In the event that a Legislative District has 100 percent new territory as compared to  the Legislative District’s territory in the prior election cycle, that Legislative District shall receive  delegates equal to the average number of delegates granted under this subsection (4c) for all the  Legislative Districts from which the territory of the new district was acquired during the prior  election cycle, rounded up. 
  1. One delegate for each Republican Legislator elected in the last legislative election cycle for that  Legislative District. In the event that a Legislative District has 100 percent new territory as compared  to the Legislative District’s territory in the prior election cycle, that Legislative District shall receive  bonus state legislator delegates equal to the average of all the Legislative Districts from which the territory of the new district was acquired during the prior election cycle, rounded up. 
  1. One bonus delegate shall be awarded to a district for every 20 dues-paying members of The North  Dakota Republican Party from that district at the end of the preceding calendar year. 
  1. One bonus delegate shall be awarded to a district for every 5 percentage points of increase in the  number of dues-paying members of The North Dakota Republican Party from that district at the end  of the preceding calendar year compared to the number on January 1 of that year.
  1. Total bonus delegates awarded under subsections 4(E) and 4(F) shall not exceed 25% of the delegates  awarded under subsections 4(A) – 4(D). 
  1. Each Legislative District will be entitled to at least five delegates. 
  1. Each Legislative District shall be afforded a number of Alternate Delegates to the State 

Republican  Endorsing Convention equal to the number of Regular Delegates under this section. 

  1. One delegate for each member of the State Executive Committee who is not a District Chairman. 

Section 5. Election of Delegates. 

The District Chairman and all members of State Committee and State Executive Committee residing  in the District shall be delegates. The District Executive Committee may elect a maximum of ten  percent of the District’s delegates to elected officials, District officers, or other persons in  consideration of long service to the party or responsibilities at the State Endorsing Convention. All  remaining Delegates to the Republican State Endorsing Convention must be elected by plurality vote  of qualified Republican District Convention voters physically present at a District Convention called for such purpose. 

The District Chairman or District Executive Committee may appoint a nominating committee for the  purpose of recommending candidates for election as delegates. The selection of recommended  candidates may optionally be determined by assigning points to criteria set forth by the nominating  committee. 

To be nominated as a delegate, a candidate who is unable to personally attend the District  Convention must personally contact the District Chairman, indicate interest in being nominated, and  provide evidence that the candidate meets all district membership criteria. Any person attending a  District Convention whose eligibility to serve as a delegate based on the District’s membership  criteria has been verified may be nominated from the floor. 

If the number of persons nominated for election as a delegate is greater than the number of delegate  slots available for that district, the delegates must be elected by secret ballot. If the number of persons submitting their name for delegate election is equal to or less than the number of slots available for  that district, they may be elected by acclamation. Proxy voting is not permitted. 

All names placed in nomination must be included on a uniform paper ballot for use by all eligible  voters. Names shall be placed on the ballot in the order in which they were nominated. To tally the votes, election tellers may be appointed by the District Chair or Executive  Committee. 

Alternate delegate slots shall be filled by those delegate candidates who receive the greatest number  of votes, with the ascending vote totals determining alternate delegate priority. A majority of votes is not necessary for the selection of alternate delegates. 

Section 6. Vacancies 

State Convention delegate and alternate delegate vacancies remaining after a district convention, or  created by delegate or alternate delegate withdrawal, shall be filled at the discretion of the respective District Executive Committees. 


Consistent with the other provision of these Rules, only delegate or alternate delegate applications  postmarked or hand-delivered by the Monday preceding the beginning of the Republican State  Convention shall be deemed timely. Late filing applicants shall not be seated as delegates or alternate delegates. 


The names of the delegates and alternates listed by the District Chairman shall be placed upon the  temporary roll of the convention by the State Chairman. No person on the temporary roll of the  convention and whose right to be seated as a delegate or alternate is being contested shall be entitled  to vote on the contest of their right to be seated but may vote on the contests of other delegations  until their contest is reached and ultimately decided. 


Section 1. Notice. 

Notice of contests shall state the grounds for contesting the seating of a delegate or delegates and  shall be filed no later than two days before the scheduled meeting of the Committee on Credentials.  The notice of contest shall be filed with the Secretary of the Republican State Committee and shall be  sent simultaneously via registered mail to the delegate or delegates being contested. 


Section 1. The Committee on Credentials 

Each Region will be entitled to two members each on the committee to be chosen by the Regional  Chairman. The State Chairman will appoint the Committee Chairman to be confirmed by the State  Executive Committee. 

The Credentials Committee will certify all delegates and alternates to the State Republican Endorsing  Convention before the State Republican Endorsing Convention conducts any official business. The  Committee may announce the number of delegates certified to vote at the beginning of each ballot taken during the State Republican Endorsing Convention. The Credentials Committee will also resolve any disputes over credentials that may come before the State Republican Endorsing  Convention. 

Section 2. The Committee on Resolutions. 

The Committee on Resolutions will produce clear and concise position statements highlighting  Republican Party principles. Resolutions not of state or national relevance, temporary in nature, duplicative of other resolutions, or containing ad hominem arguments shall not be considered. 

Each Regional Chairman shall give due consideration for the rules and goals relative to resolutions  and in doing so, will name two members from their respective regions to the Committee and  Resolutions at least 90 days prior to the State Convention. The Republican House Floor Leader and  the Republican Senate Floor Leader shall each appoint one Committee Co-Chairman at least 90 days  prior to the State Convention. If any appointment has not been made by the deadline, the State  Chairman will nominate a qualified person to fill any vacancy, to be confirmed by the State Executive  Committee. 

The Co-Chairmen may appoint a secretary, who need not be a member of the Committee on  Resolutions, and will schedule four regional meetings, which may be virtual, and open to all State  Committee members, prior to the State Convention. Resolutions will be collected at these meetings  through District Chair presentations or presentations by the appointed members of the Resolutions  Committee. Resolutions must be submitted in writing to the Committee at least 24 hours before the  Committee convenes for its first session. All resolutions shall include at least one sponsoring district  that shall be identified on the resolution. 

The Resolutions Committee may meet remotely as long as all members are able to connect to the  meeting and an in-person location is made available for anyone presenting to the committee to be  able to do so in person. 

The Resolutions Committee may submit no more than 15 resolutions to the State Convention. Every  resolution shall identify either one or more districts as sponsors or identify the Resolutions  Committee as a sponsor. 

In order to be accepted by the committee, a resolution must pass with a ⅔ majority vote of those  members of the committee present. Resolutions which do not meet this threshold shall not be  considered at the State Convention. 

The Resolutions Committee Report shall be made available to the State Committee no later than  seven days prior to the start of the Convention. The State Committee shall meet prior to the start of  the convention to review the report and appropriately divide the report should be the Committee  determine that one or more resolutions need to be voted on separately. The State Committee may not amend or change the language of any resolution beyond the scope of grammatical corrections. The  State Committee may reject a resolution by a two-thirds majority vote. 

The Resolutions offered by the Committee on Resolutions shall be provided to the State Convention 

delegates upon their arrival and shall be voted upon by State Convention delegates as a package  unless the State Committee has determined to separate any resolution for a separate vote. It shall be  

ruled out of order for the Convention Chairman to permit debate or amendment on resolutions,  either as separate resolutions or as a Resolutions Committee Report. The votes at the convention shall be by written or electronic ballot at the time specified in the official convention agenda and counted  by the State Executive Committee or its agents. A resolution shall be considered adopted when it  receives approval from two-thirds of the State Convention delegates. Resolutions shall be considered adopted until the next State Convention convenes. 

Section 3. The Committee on Permanent Organization 

The Committee shall consist of the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, the  

State Chairman, and two members from each region, chosen by the Regional Chairman. The National  Committeeman and the National Committeewoman shall serve as Co-Chairmen. The Committee shall nominate the permanent Chairman of the Convention and other officers the  convention shall need. The State Chairman and the State Secretary shall serve as the Temporary Chair and the Temporary Secretary. 

In addition, the Committee shall make recommendations for a slate of delegates and alternates to  attend the National Republican Convention. The Committee shall post an application form on the  Party website along with minimum qualifications and estimates concerning the costs to applicant, if  successful, to attend the Republican National Convention. An applicant shall be deemed to have self-nominated to stand for election at the State  Endorsing Convention, provided the Committee determines the applicant is qualified. 

To be  qualified, an applicant must have: attended a previous State Endorsing Convention as a delegate,  alternate, or page; and been elected or appointed as a delegate or alternate to the upcoming State  Endorsing Convention. 

An applicant is disqualified if it is determined that he or she has been  convicted of or pleaded guilty to a crime that the Committee on Permanent Organization believes  would reflect poorly upon The North Dakota Republican Party. 

The Committee shall also post on the Party website the criteria used to guide the Committee’s  recommendation for a slate of delegates and alternates, which shall include being elected as a  delegate to the prior year’s State Endorsing Convention, volunteerism on behalf of the Party, service  as a state or party official, running for office, contributions to the District or State Party and other  criteria provided by the Committee, and may reserve a number of positions for new members of the  Party. 

Applications to become a candidate for national delegate must be verified by the applicant’s district  chair. Applications must be received twenty-one (21) days prior to the State Endorsing Convention.  The Committee shall score, evaluate, and make a recommendation by 5pm on the Monday before the  State Endorsing Convention begins, and subsequently post its recommendation, along with the  qualified applicants and the scores, on the Party website. In addition, the Committee’s  recommendation shall be given to each State Endorsing Convention delegate and alternate at or 

before registration. 

Finally, the Committee shall nominate the electors to represent the Republican Candidate for  President on the North Dakota election ballot. 

Section 4. Committee on Arrangements 

 1. The Committee shall consist of seven (7) members: 

 a) Three (3) members elected at large by the State Committee; 

 b) Two (2) members appointed by the Chairman of the Party; 

 c) Chairperson of the most recent Convention; 

 d) Chairperson of the upcoming Convention. 

 2. The duties of the committee shall be as follows: 

 a) Generate a request for proposal to North Dakota cities, subject to approval by the Executive  Committee; 

 b) Disseminate the RFP and facilitate the process of gathering proposals; 

 c) Review the proposals and generate a committee recommendation; 

 d) Proposals shall be reviewed against criteria to include, but not limited to: existing rotation  customs, lodging availability, adequate convention facilities, community support, local  committee desire, financial commitments; 

 e) Engage third-party vendor(s) to facilitate convention planning, subject to approval by the  Executive Committee; 

 f) Guide the convention planning process and act as a partner with the local committee and any  third-party vendors.

 3. The recommendation of the Committee on Arrangements shall be considered for approval by the  State Committee. 

 4. Members of the Committee shall serve four (4) year terms; excluding the first cohort of members  appointed by the Chairman of the Party, who shall serve a two (2) year term with no prohibition on  re-appointment at the conclusion of their term; 

 5. Elections shall be conducted at re-organizational meetings of the State Committee.   

6. Members of the Committee shall not also serve as Officers of the Executive Committee. 


The Order of Business of the State Republican Endorsing Convention shall be as follows:

1. Call to Order by the State Chairman or the State Chairman’s designee. 

2. Report of Credentials Committee and seating of delegates. 

3. Election of Permanent Chairman and Secretary. 

4. Accept the Rules Committee report. 

5. Endorsement of Statewide Candidates, Election of National Committee members, National  Convention delegates, and National electors with the order of endorsement or election to be  at the discretion of the State Executive Committee. 

6. Resolution Committee report. 


Section 1. National Committeeman-National Committeewoman 

In a Presidential election year the State Republican Endorsing Convention will nominate and elect a  National Committeeman and National Committeewoman for the purpose of Representing The North  Dakota Republican Party on the Republican National Committee. The National Committeeman and  National Committeewoman shall serve a term of four years. 

Section 2. Delegates-Alternates to the Republican National Convention 

In a Presidential election year, at the State Endorsing Convention, the Committee on Permanent  Organization will recommend a slate of delegates and alternates to attend the National Republican  Endorsing Convention from persons who applied to the committee. Any sitting Republican North  Dakota State Governor, U.S. Senator, or U.S. Representative shall, without application to the  committee, be deemed to have applied to the committee and shall be presented on the recommended slate unless withdrawn. 

No nominations may be made from the floor. All qualified persons who applied to the committee will  be deemed nominated as a delegate or alternate unless withdrawn, in writing, submitted to the  Chairman, before the ballots are printed. Voting shall occur via ballot, with nominees listed  alphabetically by last name, with nominees recommended by the Committee on Permanent  Organization identified in bold type. 

The delegate candidates receiving the highest vote totals equaling the number of delegate slots  available shall be elected as delegates to the Republican National Convention. The remaining delegate candidates receiving the next highest vote totals 

shall be elected as alternate delegates to the Republican National Convention. Ties shall be decided  by lot. 

Section 3. National Electors 

In a Presidential election year, the Committee on Permanent Organization will present a slate of  three electors to represent the Republican Candidate for President on the North Dakota General  

Election Ballot. Nominations may be made from the floor. In the event nominations are made from  the floor, a nominee must receive a majority of the votes

cast and finish in the top three in order to be elected. 

Section 4. Statewide Candidates 

The State Republican Endorsing Convention shall endorse one candidate for each statewide office  appearing on the North Dakota Primary Election Ballot that year. 


Issues regarding credentials shall be presented to the Credentials Committee. Adoption by the  Convention of a Credentials Committee report of certified delegates shall determine the number of  delegates eligible to vote. 

The Credentials Committee will report to the Convention any changes in the total number of certified delegates before the conduct of business at each session of the Convention and may before the vote of endorsement for any office for which two or more candidates have been nominated. 

The Chair of each District delegation shall have authority to fill a vacancy in that District’s certified  delegation from among its registered alternates. 


Section 1. Candidates 

In order for a Statewide Candidate, National Committeeman, or National Committeewoman to have  his/her name placed in nomination he/she must: 

 1. Submit valid signatures from ten District Chairs by 5:00 p.m. March 8th the year of the  Republican State Endorsing Convention at which they are seeking endorsement or election; 

 2. Pay the following fees to the party in order to be eligible to be a candidate: 

 a) $5,000 for senatorial/gubernatorial races 

 b) $3,500 for congressional races 

 c) $2,500 for statewide executive officers 

 d) No fee for National Committeeman/woman 

 3. Any person who has sought the endorsement of another political party or ran as an  Independent for statewide office in the past six (6) years shall be prohibited from seeking the  endorsement of The North Dakota Republican Party’s State Convention. 

 4. Submit to the Chairman in writing any use of a candidate’s or other party’s personal or  campaign funds to pay the delegate fees of any seated delegate by 5:00 p.m. the Monday  preceding the beginning of the Republican State Endorsing Convention. Such disclosures shall be made available to seated delegates and alternates upon request;

 5. Hold delegate status to the Republican State Endorsing Convention at which they intend to be nominated as a candidate; 

6. Receive a nomination and second by seated delegates to the Republican State Endorsing Convention. A special guest to the Convention may speak in support of a candidate; however,  they may not formally place the candidate’s name into nomination. The Lieutenant Governor  position is exempt from this rule. 

The Governor or the Governor’s designee may nominate the  Lieutenant Governor at the convention. Any other nomination from the floor of the  convention for Lieutenant Governor requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote. 

Section 2. Nominations 

After the Convention Chairman has opened the floor for nominations, the Convention Chair will call  for nominations and allow them until there are no more nominations or all eligible candidates 

have been nominated. If there is only one candidate for nomination who has the required support, the  chair may declare them elected or endorsed. 


Section 1.  

Votes shall be conducted by secret ballot. Ballots shall be furnished by the Convention. Each certified  delegate shall be entitled to cast one vote for each office. The delegate or alternate designated by the  District Chairmen must be present on the floor of the Convention to cast their vote. No proxy voting  will be allowed. 

Section 2. 

 The Convention Secretary shall call the roll for the vote count in numerical order. 

Section 3.  

The Chairman of each District delegation shall report the results of the District balloting in writing on the vote report furnished by the Secretary of the Convention. The Chairman shall sign the vote report. The signed vote report and all ballots shall be placed in the report envelope and the report envelope  shall be delivered to the Convention Secretary. 

Section 4.  

When the Convention Secretary has received the vote report of every District, the Convention  Secretary shall call the roll of the Districts. As each District is called, the Chairman of the District  shall announce the District’s vote. After the announcement of each District’s vote, the Convention  Secretary shall release the District’s vote report to tellers appointed by the Convention Chairman for  tallying. In the event of a variance between the vote report and the vote as announced by the District  Chairman, the vote report shall be the official count unless changed by a polling of the delegation. 

The Convention Secretary shall repeat the vote and the same shall be recorded. 

Section 5.  

Before the next District is called, any delegate may demand a polling of his or her delegation. If such a demand is made, the Convention Secretary shall poll the delegation individually and announce and  record the vote before proceeding to the next District. The Convention Secretary shall not release the  results of any vote report until after the same has been announced by the District Chairman. 

Section 6.  

No delegate or alternate shall be bound by any attempt of any District to impose the unit rule on the  delegation. 

Section 7.  

If two rounds of balloting have been completed, and no candidate has achieved a majority, the  candidate with the lowest tally including ties, beginning with the third ballot,on any subsequent  ballot shall be eliminated from future ballots. At no time may this section be used to reduce the  number of candidates on the ballot to less than two. 

Section 8.  

The balloting on candidates shall continue until a candidate shall have received a majority of the  votes cast of the certified convention delegates casting a vote. If a majority is reached during the  announcement and tallying of votes, the Convention Secretary shall continue the calling and  counting until every District has announced its vote and all votes are recorded. 

At the conclusion of the balloting during which a candidate has received a majority vote of the  certified delegates casting a vote, the Convention Chair shall declare the candidate endorsed and the  official candidate of The North Dakota Republican Party at the Primary Election to be held in June or  elected to the position if the position was an election. 

Section 9.  

The North Dakota Republican Party through the Rules Committee may establish procedures for  electronic balloting during the convention, so long as sufficient assurances are provided via audit trail to protect the integrity of the balloting process of the convention. 


All endorsements and other questions properly before the Convention shall be determined by a  majority of the votes cast by delegates certified by the Credentials Committee with the exception of  Republican National Convention delegates and alternates provided a quorum is present.


Except as otherwise provided herein, the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, and the North Dakota Century Code shall govern the proceedings of the State Republican Endorsing  Convention. 

To the extent that any conflicts exist, the Rules of The North Dakota Republican Party  State Committee and these Rules take precedence over Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. 


In the event of the death, resignation, disqualification, or disability of any candidate for office, such a  vacancy shall be filled by a special convention made up of the Republican State Committee. The  North Dakota Republican Party State Chairman will be responsible for calling such a Special  Convention. 


Presidential Caucuses:  

The North Dakota Republican Party shall hold Republican Presidential Caucuses in North Dakota on  or between March 1 through March 15. Delegates will be awarded proportionally and bound to  candidates on the first ballot who receive at least 20% of the votes cast in the Republican Presidential  Caucuses. If a candidate garners at least 60% of the votes cast, they will receive all of the delegates. 

Delegate Selection:  

North Dakota’s delegates to the Republican National Convention shall be selected in accordance with  applicable state and national Republican Party rules and requirements. 


Section 1. 

Presidential Caucuses will be held on or between March 1st through prior to March 15th the year of  the Presidential Election. The Executive Committee shall set the date for the caucuses and hours for  voting, which shall be the same throughout the state. The Executive Committee may establish a  Presidential Candidate fee payable to The North Dakota Republican Party for candidate participation  in the caucuses. 

Section 2. 

The North Dakota Republican Party shall ensure at least eight physical caucus locations for voting in  Presidential Caucuses in Williston, Minot, Devils Lake, Grand Forks, Fargo, Jamestown, Bismarck, and Dickinson. Additional physical locations may be established by Republican Districts working alone or jointly with other districts. 

Section 3. 

Delegates will be awarded proportionally to candidates who receive at least 20% of the votes cast,  unless one candidate receives at least 60% of the votes cast, in which case Section 4 shall apply. 

Formula for delegate allocation: 

Assuming North Dakota had 29 national delegate slots to fill, the following shall serve as an example  of how to apply the votes: 

If candidate A received 30% of the vote, candidate B received 18% of the vote, candidate C received  21% of the vote, candidate D received 22% of the vote, candidate E received 8% of the vote, and 1% of  the vote was spread to various write-ins the delegate allotment in consideration of North Dakota’s 29  delegates would be applied as follows. 

This example is illustrative of 29 delegate positions. 

A: 41% of qualifying votes = (11.89) 12 delegates 

B: 0 delegates 

C: 29% of qualifying votes = (8.41) 8 delegates 

D: 30% of qualifying votes = (8.7) 9 delegates 

E: 0 delegates 

The formula: Add the percentages of the qualifying candidates (20%+) which were 30%+21% +22%=73%. Next, we take 73% which represents the whole of qualifying candidates and determine  what portion of the whole (73%) each candidate garnered: 

A: 30/73=41% C: 21/73=29% D: 22/73=30% this gives up our multipliers to determine delegate  allotment. 

A: .41Å~29= 11.89 C: .29Å~29=8.41 D: .30Å~29=8.7 

Finally, we divide the delegates accordingly: Each delegate gets the whole number of delegates they  received in this case 27. The remaining delegates (2) are allocated to the candidate with the highest  fractional portion of a delegate. In this case, the results are as follows: 

A: .89 C: .41 D: .7 Candidate A has the highest fractional portion of a delegate at .89 and Candidate D  has the next highest at .7. 

Candidate A would receive 12 delegates; 

Candidate C would receive 8 delegates;

Candidate D would receive 9 delegates. 

In the event of a tie the unassigned delegate(s) must elect to be bound to the candidate of their  choosing. 

Section 4. Winner Take All 

If a candidate garners at least 60% of the votes cast that candidate will receive all of the delegates. 

Section 5. Candidate Withdrawal, No Reallocation 

Should a candidate who received delegates withdraw, suspend his or her campaign or drop from the  race prior to the Republican National Convention, those delegates assigned to the candidate shall  proceed to the convention unbound. 


Section 1. Call of the Special Convention 

In the event of a special election for the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate triggered by  a writ of election issued by the Governor, the State Chairman and the State Executive Committee  shall, as soon as practical, issue to the State Republican Committee the Call of the Special Endorsing  Convention at least twelve (12) days prior to the Convention. The Call of the 

Special Endorsing  Convention shall include the purpose, date, place, and the time of the State Republican Special  Endorsing Convention. 

Section 2. Special District Conventions 

The District Chairs shall call and hold a special district convention at which the required number of  delegates to the State Republican Special Endorsing Convention shall be chosen. 

Public notice of  must be given at least six (6) days before the special district convention by publication in the official  newspaper in the county or counties that comprise the district, which notice shall include the  purpose, date, place and the time of the special district convention. The notice shall also include the  purpose, date, place, and the time of the State Republican Special Endorsing Convention. 

Section 3. Allocation of Delegates and Alternates Between Districts 

Delegates and alternates to a State Republican Special Endorsing Convention shall be allocated as  follows: 

1. One delegate for every 300 votes cast for the Republican candidate for Governor in the  previous General Election. 

2. One delegate for every 300 votes cast for the Republican candidate for U.S. House of  Representatives in the previous General Election. 

3. One delegate for every 300 votes cast for the Republican candidate for President in the  previous General Election.

4. One delegate for each Republican Legislator elected in the last legislative election cycle for  that Legislative District. 

5. One delegate for each member of the State Executive Committee who is not a District  Chairman. 

6. Each Legislative District will be entitled to at least five delegates. 

7. Each Legislative District shall be afforded a number of Alternate Delegates to the State  Republican Endorsing Convention equal to the number of Regular Delegates under this  section. 

Section 4. State Special Endorsing Convention Committees 

A committee on credentials, a committee on rules, and a committee on permanent organization will  be established as otherwise provided in these rules. During a State Republican Special Endorsing  Convention, there will be no committee on resolutions. 

Section 5. Order of Business 

The Order of Business of the State Special Republican Endorsing Convention shall be as Follows: 

1. Call to Order by the State Chairman or the State Chairman’s designee. 

2. Report of Credentials Committee and seating of delegates. 

3. Election of Permanent Chairman and Secretary. 

4. Consider the Rules Committee report. 

5. Endorsement of Statewide offices with the order of endorsement to be at the discretion of the  State Executive Committee. 

Section 6. State Special Endorsing Convention Rules 

Except as otherwise provided in Sections 1 through 5 above, in all other respects, the rules for the State Republican Special Endorsing Convention are the same as for the prior endorsing convention,  including eligibility of delegates and alternates, non-discrimination, election of 

delegates,  certification of delegates, temporary role, contesting delegate seating, admission to the convention  hall, credentials, nominating, balloting, limitation of debate, voting requirements, application of  Robert’s Rules of Order, vacancies, and suspension of the rules. 

Section 7. Rules Governing Special Election for Letter of Support 

In the event that a candidate endorsed by the State Convention later withdraws from the race, citing  circumstances outside the scope of death, incapacity or residency out of state, the State Committee  may offer a letter of support to another candidate. The process for selecting the candidate to receive  the letter of support shall be executed as follows: The voting members of the NDGOP State  Committee shall comprise the body which shall determine the recipient of the party’s letter of  support. 

Notice to the voting body shall be provided at least 15 days in advance of the State Committee  Meeting at which the letter of support may be granted. Candidates for the letter of support shall be 

placed into nomination and seconded by no fewer than two voting members of the NDGOP State  Committee. Each candidate shall be allotted 15 minutes for nomination, seconding, and  speech/presentation. Voting shall be conducted by secret ballot. 

A simple majority of votes cast will  be required to secure the letter of support. If two rounds of balloting have been completed and no  candidate has reached a majority, the candidate with the lowest tally shall be eliminated from any  subsequent ballots until a majority is achieved. If only one candidate has been placed into nomination a motion to vote by acclamation shall be in order. 

Proxies are only permissible at State Committee meetings and not at any precinct or district meetings  or any convention. All District Chairs exercising proxies shall be residents of the district which the  person giving the proxy represents, must have paid his/her State Party dues, and shall provide written authorization. Each authorized person shall have one vote. Any person elected via proxy as a delegate  to the State Convention shall not be seated as a delegate to the State Convention.

All matters of procedures of meetings and conventions shall be based on and governed by the latest  edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, the Parliamentary Authority of The North Dakota  Republican Party, except when in conflict or inconsistent with these Rules, or state or federal laws. 

Section 1. Notice Requirements 

These Rules may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the State Committee present, provided fifteen  days’ notice has been given to each member of any proposed amendment. 

Section 2.  

The rules contained herein governing the conduct of biennial or special conventions may also be  amended by the convention in session by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present and voting  provided 15 days’ notice has been given.