The District 32 Republican Party will be holding its District Endorsing Convention on Wednesday, January 24th at 6:30 p.m. CT. This will be held at Wachter Middle School (1107 S. 7th St., Bismarck) in the cafetorium. Please use door number 21 on the west side of the school to access the cafetorium.
This convention will include the endorsement of legislative candidates, as well as the election of delegates to the 2024 ND Republican State Convention. Candidates for statewide office will also be there to give brief speeches.
District 32’s current legislative team of Senator Dick Dever, Representative Lisa Meier, and Representative Pat Heinert have announced they are running for re-election. If there are any other candidates interested in seeking the District 32 Republican Party’s endorsement, they are asked to contact District 32 Chairman Brady Pelton via email at indicating their interest no later than January 15th.
Please note that you must be a 2024 paid member of the North Dakota Republican Party to vote at the District 32 Convention and/or be a delegate to the State Convention (membership dues are $50.00). You can become a member online at
Those interested in becoming a delegate to the 2024 Republican State Convention are encouraged to let District Chair Brady Pelton know so their names can be added to the list to be nominated for election as a delegate. Nominations will also be taken from the floor during the District Convention. District 32 has 39 delegate spots available, with 39 additional openings for alternate delegates. More information on the 2024 State Convention and the role of Convention delegates is available at