Mark your calendars for October 18 for the Fargo 2nd Amendment Gun Raffle benefiting District 11 Republicans! Support Republicans with the chance to win the following:
– Ruger American with Vortex 3.9 scope
– Savage Apex 6.5
– Springfield Hellcat 9mm
– Benelli Nova 12 gauge
Winner will receive a Scheels gift card which can be redeemed for the listed prize or other store merchandise. Need not be present to win.
Raffle tickets: $20 per ticket or buy 5 get 1 free (book of 6 for $100)
Purchase your tickets ahead of time by emailing
Raffle Drawing: October 18 at West Fargo VFW. Appetizers, music, and more.
– Door prizes
– Meet the D11 Republican candidates
– Keynote by Gary Emineth, former NDGOP State Chair