**UPDATE: Registration for the 5th annual Governor’s Summit on Innovative Education is now open.
BISMARCK, N.D. (FEB. 16, 2021) – Gov. Doug Burgum and state Superintendent Kirsten Baesler today announced Innovative Education Week, June 7-11, 2021. The content-rich week of events kicks off with the fifth annual Governor’s Summit on Innovative Education on June 7, featuring a keynote by Code.org CEO and co-founder Hadi Partovi.
This event is free and open to the public with limited in-person seating available as well as a livestream broadcast. Burgum will host the event and highlight the progress being made in North Dakota toward personalized learning, the role technology skills play in a global economy and the opportunity to innovate amid the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
IgniteND is a four-day series of workshops and speakers for educators June 8-11 with innovative curriculum focused on computer science and cybersecurity. Educators are also able to earn continuing education credits. The event, co-sponsored by Bismarck State College, EduTech and the Department of Public Instruction, will take place virtually and in person at BSC. Featured speakers include 2019 Teacher of the Year Kayla Dornfeld and renowned author and professor Dr. Adolph Brown. Complete agenda and registration information is available at https://www.ignitend.com/. The $99 registration fee includes some meals.
“North Dakota’s educators are unsurpassed in their resilience and commitment to students throughout the pandemic,” Burgum said. “Now more than ever we have an opportunity to elevate our emphasis on 21st century skills such as computer science and cybersecurity that enable students to compete for the jobs of tomorrow – and to help create them.”
More than 1,300 educators, administrators, school board members, legislators, parents and other stakeholders registered to participate in last year’s Summit on Innovative Education. Registration information is available at 2021innovativeedsummit.eventbrite.com.
“North Dakota educators have an incredible mission and opportunity to instill a love of lifelong learning in students,” Baesler said. “Through our comprehensive approach to computer science and cybersecurity standards – the first in the nation – a wealth of professional development opportunities such as IgniteND, and extensive stakeholder engagement, we are providing resources, best practices and curricula that can be used in any classroom to help students succeed in any career path.”
Current IgniteND sponsors include Microsoft at the Diamond level, CYBER.ORG at the Gold level and Gateway to Science at the Silver level. Click here for a digital and printable Innovative Education Week flier.
The 2021 #InnovativeND Awards will be presented at the Governor’s Summit on Innovative Education, recognizing educators, schools, districts and students who have made a difference in education in North Dakota. Nominations will be accepted through May 3, 2021, and may be submitted via the nomination form. Award categories include:
C O N T A C T :
Mike Nowatzki
Mike Kennedy
Dale Wetzel, DPI