Burgum to deliver State of the State address Monday as Legislature convenes for special session

BISMARCK, N.D. (NOV. 5, 2021) – North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum will deliver his State of the State address to a special session of the 67th Legislative Assembly at 9:30 a.m. Monday in the House chamber of the State Capitol, 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Bismarck. The address will be livestreamed on the Legislature’s website at www.legis.nd.gov.

Burgum signed an executive order last week convening a special session of the Legislature on Nov. 8 to address legislative redistricting, statewide infrastructure and capital projects, natural gas infrastructure, statewide workforce programs, economic development opportunities, income tax relief and road, water and deferred maintenance needs.

Article V of the North Dakota Constitution states that the governor “shall present information on the condition of the state, together with any recommended legislation, to every regular and special session of the legislative assembly.”

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