NDGOP Roughrider – August 7, 2024

August 7, 2024

“Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and leaving an impact in your absence…”
Celebration of North Dakota RNC Committeeman Shane Goettle’s Service to the Republican Party of North Dakota
Today, we pause to say thank you to Shane Goettle for his many years of service to the North Dakota Republican Party. Shane helped shape the destiny of the Republican Party of North Dakota, holding us true to our principles. He served in key roles at the district, state, and national levels. Shane is a paragon of servant leadership, humility, integrity, and sincere dedication to the values of the Republican Party. We all would do well to imitate his selflessness and strength of character. If we do, we can be assured of a strong Republican Party and a bright future for North Dakota.

District GOP

Shane began his Republican career at the district level. He was elected to be district chairman in two legislative districts–District 38 in Minot and in District 31, a rural 4-county district SW of Mandan. As District Chairman Shane recruited great candidates and worked with them and other active members of the district to engineer clean sweep victories in both districts that have yet to be reversed!

State GOP

After multiple successful terms as district chairman, Shane was elected to serve as Regional Chairman and eventually State Party Treasurer. His communication skills, policy and legal competence, and institutional knowledge of the Republican Party were then, and are now, an immense asset to the Party.
National Committeeman – RNC 168 Member
As a leader in the RNC, Shane helped pass resolutions that:stood for the protection of our constitutional rights, for election integrity, and for reducing federal regulationsaffirmed our party’s commitment to life and to affirm biological distinctions between men and women in the lawcondemned President Biden’s open border and failed immigration policiesprotected our agricultural land from foreign ownership
As a member of the RNC budget committee, Shane worked to streamline our budget, cut unnecessary spending, and reallocate resources to initiatives like “Get out the Vote” and “Protect the Vote.” These efforts strengthened our party infrastructure and ensured that we are positioned to support Republican candidates at every level of government.Among all the things that we saw Shane do as National Committeeman, arguably his most important contributions were those we did not see. He drove tens of thousands of miles across the state at his own expense to attend district events, supported our candidates, and counseled new district chairs. He spent countless hours preparing our team for big meetings and state conventions. He did all of this to advance our party without asking for any recognition. We are grateful to still rely on Shane as an asset to the NDGOP, and especially grateful to call him our friend.
Thank you, Shane, from all of us at NDGOP.

“There can be a shun affect when leadership changes. Shane was the first to extend his hand to me, and it was by the end of my first day. That’s his commitment to the organization and well-being of the Republican Party. He is the most respectful and professional Republican that I know. Shane is a true gentleman; I am indebted to him and am grateful for his time at NDGOP. He truly helped shape the Republican Party to make it what it is today.”
-NDGOP Chairwoman Sandi Sanford



There are many ways that YOU, the constituent, can interact with the legislative process in North Dakota!

  • Act as a delegate or alternate at the state or national Republican convention(s)
  • Sign up to volunteer with NDGOP

Mark down the dates:

  • Key election dates:
    • Primary election: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
      • Federals, Statewides, District, & County office primary
    • General election: Tuesday, November 5, 2024
      • Federals, Statewides, District, & County office primary, Presidential
    • Local elections (see the attached election calendar)
      • Schoolboard, township, district legislative
  • Methods of voting
    • Voting through mail – find AB/EV information here
    • In-person at your nearest polling place – find polling location information here

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