Roughrider Roundup – November 7, 2022

Happy Monday!

Dear Fellow Republicans, 

We wanted to provide you with a roundup of everything you might have missed from North Dakota’s great Republican leaders this past week. Please share with family and friends!

Perrie Schafer, NDGOP Chairman

Photo of the Week

MUST WATCH: Congressman Kelly Armstrong on why he fights every day to make sure our state remains a great place to live and raise a family. Watch here.


Great news from our Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel: the grassroots energy out there ahead of Election Day is undeniable. Watch her recent appearance on Fox News. – Perrie

CHAIRWOMAN MCDANIEL: “You know, I just see the momentum when I come out and I see the passion. So, I will give you an example. We have a million volunteers right now. I have never seen this type of grassroots energy we have with people making calls, knocking doors, talking to their neighbors. Every event we are going to is packed. And so I feel it on the ground. It is matching what I’m seeing in the polls. And I feel really good about our candidates as well. So, those are the things I’m seeing when I’m on the ground.”

Watch below:


Join us in celebrating historic Republican wins at NDGOP Election Night parties across the state! 

Ramada Inn, 6:30 PM – 11:00 PM
Contact: Corby Kemmer,

Suite Shots, 7:00 PM
Contact: Jacob Strinden,

Ground Round, 7:00 PM
Contact: Carma Hanson,

Stonehorne, 7:30 PM
Contact: Gretchen Stenehjem,

Grand Hotel, 7:00 PM
Contact: Clara Sue Price,

Blue 42, 7:00 PM (MST)
Contact: Mike Lefor,

Eleven Restaurant, 6:30 PM – 10:00 PM
Eric Nelson,

NDGOP Statement on ‘North Dakota Republicans’ Facebook Page

BISMARCK – Today, Perrie Schafer, Chairman of the North Dakota Republican Party (“NDGOP”) released the following statement: 

“It has come to our attention that a group on social media bearing a likeness to NDGOP – ‘North Dakota Republicans’– has been promoting support for Measure 1 in favor of term limits. This deceitful group has created a great deal of confusion, including obtaining contributions that donors intended for NDGOP.”

“To be clear, the chairman of the party, numerous elected officials, and leaders in ND have come out in their personal capacity against term limits.”

“We urge well-meaning North Dakotans looking to support the Republican cause to stay vigilant and aware of these recent scams. Please contact NDGOP Executive Director Corby Kemmer, , should you have any questions about groups or individuals appearing to act on behalf of the NDGOP.”

NDGOP: North Dakotans Should Be “Confident” in Secure Election Process

BISMARCK – Today, Perrie Schafer, Chairman of the North Dakota Republican Party (“NDGOP”), released the following statement in response to a new audit of the state’s electoral systems: 

“I want to commend State Auditor Josh Gallion for his diligent work in ensuring the integrity of our elections. He clearly heard the voices of many voters who were concerned about voting irregularities around the country, and he responded with a thorough examination of our entire system. After reading the findings of this investigation, North Dakotans everywhere can be confident in that their vote will be cast and counted securely. Thank you to Josh for this comprehensive review and thank you to Secretary of State Al Jaeger for working to protect our most cherished right.”

North Dakota

Sec. of State: ‘North Dakota has an incredibly secure voting system’
“We have an incredibly secure system with all the laws in place currently, the checks and balances, we really don’t have any cases of fraud,” North Dakota Secretary of State Al Jaeger said.

Advocacy into Action heralded by Burgums at Recovery Reinvented
Wahpeton Daily News
North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and First Lady Kathryn Burgum continued their mission of turning “Advocacy into Action” when they hosted the sixth annual Recovery Reinvented Thursday, Nov. 3. A daylong event, Recovery Reinvented was held in person in Grand Forks, North Dakota, and online. Since the beginning, Recovery Reinvented has had a focus of eliminating the stigma of the disease of addiction. “Working together – all of us, all of you, the state of North Dakota, all of our partners, communities, faith-based organizations, providers, everyone coming together – the positive momentum we have in North Dakota is spreading across the country in terms of how we’re approaching the powerful, pervasive disease of addiction,” Gov. Burgum said in his opening remarks.

North Dakota launches missing persons database
The Bismarck Tribune
The North Dakota Attorney General’s Office has launched a statewide missing persons database. The publicly accessible database provides law enforcement and concerned citizens with detailed information about people who have been reported missing in the state, according to Attorney General Drew Wrigley. The database includes photos if available, demographic information, age, aliases and law enforcement contact information. It also has advanced features enabling users to search for missing people, among other search fields. “The missing persons database can help law enforcement generate leads and can assist families who are looking for loved ones,” Wrigley said. “We encourage the public to access and offer any assistance possible.”

North Dakota Republican Party chairman issues warning about “deceitful group” on Facebook
AM 1100 The Flag
The chairman of the North Dakota Republican Party is warning party members about what he calls a “deceitful group” on Facebook .. that appears to be affiliated with the NDGOP. State party chairman Perrie Schafer says the group “North Dakota Republicans” is promoting support for Measure 1, which calls for term limits for elected state officials serving in Bismarck.  “To be clear, the chairman of the party, numerous elected officials, and leaders in ND have come out in their personal capacity against term limits,” said Schafer. The party chair says the online group has created confusion and has even obtained contributions that donors intended for NDGOP. “We urge well-meaning North Dakotans looking to support the Republican cause to stay vigilant and aware of these recent scams,” said Schafer.  

Goehring discusses harvest progress, weed pressure
Farm & Ranch Guide
Each growing season offers farmers its own unique set of challenges, and between the drought of last year, the late start to planting this spring, and lack of moisture late this summer, this year’s growing season has farmers “kind of all over the board,” says North Dakota Ag Commissioner Doug Goehring. “Some guys are really smiling right now because everything seemed to click,” Goehring said. “The heavens smiled upon them, and some have actually told me they were able to lock some prices in. They hesitated because it looked like there was no reason we shouldn’t be headed toward $20-$25 wheat, but they said they pulled the trigger and locked some in. They were the lucky ones.”

Mandan recognized with a Governor’s Main Street Excellence Award
The Morton County & Mandan News
Mandan has been recognized with a Main Street Excellence Award at the 2022 Main Street North Dakota Summit held Oct. 26. This award in the communities with a population greater than 5,000 category recognized Mandan’s Main Street for creating a vibrant and engaging environment by focusing on downtown revitalization. “North Dakota is a state full of opportunity and active community partnerships,” Gov. Doug Burgum said. “We are grateful for all the communities that have invested in the ideals of the Main Street Initiative to help us garner even more opportunity for our residents and businesses.”

Regulators contemplate future of electric cars in North Dakota at public hearing
Commissioners Julie Fedorchak and Randy Christmann questioned Xcel and other companies about their practice in other states of spreading the costs of building electric vehicle infrastructure across all customers, including those who don’t own EVs. Fedorchak implied it was “a fairness issue” to have customers subsidizing EV charging stations even if they don’t use them. The companies said EVs provide a societal benefit in the form of lower emissions. Enticing people to buy EVs with low electric costs and other incentives could backfire if there comes “a reckoning day when we can’t afford to supplement all of this stuff anymore and then people have to pay what it really costs,” Fedorchak said.

Judge continues block on North Dakota law protecting preborn from abortion
Live Action
North Dakota Attorney General Drew Wrigley said that his office will continue to fight this ruling. “I’m unpersuaded by almost everything I read in the judge’s ruling and we look forward to responding,” he said.

Chamber of Commerce hosts annual Midwest Energy Summit
Key note speaker Julie Fedorchak, commissioner of North Dakota Public Service, spoke on the rising cost of energy for people across the country. “We have to permit and build renewable generation — wind, solar, and batteries — to replace many times over the capacity of these retired assets, and add these to the customer’s bills,” she said. She also said the rise of electric vehicles and charging stations will also raise charges for energy consumers. In her speech, Fedorchak made it clear she believes solutions for high costs are in sight. “Let me be clear, I have no doubt that technology can and will fix this gap. The most brilliant minds in the world are working on it, and the budget as discussed is massive,” she said.

Open enrollment begins for health insurance plans
The Bismarck Tribune
North Dakota Insurance Commissioner Jon Godfread is encouraging state residents to review plans. “The best advice I can give North Dakotans when shopping for any kind of insurance is to look at various options, receive multiple quotes and compare plans,” Godfread said in a statement. “Your life may look different than it did a year ago. Look around for a plan that meets the needs of you, your family, health and wallet.”

Political spat over climate risks in investments gets hotter
CBS Minnesota 
State officials have also been critical of ESG scores from ratings agencies and other outfits. For instance, S&P Global offended North Dakota State Treasurer Thomas Beadle because it rated the state as “neutral” for social and governance metrics but “moderately negative” for environmental factors because its economy and budget rely heavily on the energy sector. His state’s lawmakers last year prohibited their investment board from considering “socially responsible criteria” for anything but maximizing returns. Beadle told senators considering potential next steps that ESG has created “significant headwinds” for energy companies trying to raise capital, and that it could affect his state’s tax revenues.

North Dakota Public Service Commissioner Julie Fedorchak: “I would be honored to serve the citizens of this state for another six years”
AM 1100 The Flag
Julie Fedorchak is a longtime member of the North Dakota Public Service Commission. She joined WDAY Radio to share her philosophy as a board member, the balance between adding green energy sources and maintaining fossil fuel sources, and keeping both utility providers and consumers happy. “I would be honored to serve the citizens of this state for another six years,” said Fedorchak, “I feel like I’ve really got the connections…I’ve got a lot of regional leadership opportunities and national leadership opportunities to take North Dakota’s position and North Dakota’s goals as it relates to energy and electricity service.” Fedorchak spoke on increasing the resiliency of the state’s electrical grid, which she says should have some priority due to severe winter storms that often hit the region. She says the Public Service Commission works to ensure utility companies have the resources they need, while also ensuring the commission stays out of the way. “We want to invest enough to make it strong, stable and reliable during North Dakota’s extreme weather, while also not going overboard and not charging customers too much,” said Fedorchak, “That is the balance we try to work with the companies.”

Chair of PSC recusing herself from Summit Pipeline decisions
AM 1100 The Flag
The chair of the North Dakota Public Service Commission is recusing herself from decisions on the site of the proposed Summit Carbon Solutions carbon dioxide pipeline. Julie Fedorchak says she and her husband own land in Oliver County and previously signed a contract with Summit to store carbon dioxide on their land. Fedorchak says she wants to avoid any perceived conflict of interest. The project is intended to capture CO2 emissions from ethanol plants in the Midwest and transport them to North Dakota for permanent underground storage.

Registration open for ND Cyber Madness tournament
The Bismarck Tribune
Registration has opened for the second annual North Dakota Cyber Madness tournament. Bismarck State College will host the event next Feb. 16-18. All North Dakota high schools are eligible to compete in the tournament that will feature a variety of cybersecurity challenges. “The Cyber Madness tournament gives students an opportunity to put what they have learned to the test in a fun, competitive manner as they navigate real-world scenarios,” State School Superintendent Kirsten Baesler said.

Deadline extended for organic certification reimbursement
The Bismarck Tribune
The deadline for organic producers to apply for reimbursement of certification costs has been extended to Nov. 30. Organic farmers, ranchers, processors and handlers can receive up to $500 of the organic certification costs they paid between Oct. 1, 2021, and Sept. 30 of this year, through the Organic Certification Cost Share Program for fiscal year 2022. The state is getting $70,800 in federal funding for the program, according to state Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring.

NDGOP Chair: North Dakotans should be confident in upcoming election security
The North Dakota GOP is praising the recent work done by the state auditor’s office on election integrity. “After reading the findings of this investigation, North Dakotans everywhere can be confident in that their vote will be cast and counted securely. Thank you to Josh for this comprehensive review and for working to protect our most cherished right,” said NDGOP Chairman Perrie Schaefer in a statement released to WDAY Radio Sunday evening.  Schaefer made the glowing comments after the recent work done by Josh Gallion and his office. “I want to commend State Auditor Josh Gallion for his diligent work in ensuring the integrity of our elections. He clearly heard the voices of many voters who were concerned about voting irregularities around the country, and he responded with a thorough examination of our entire system,” added Schaefer.

Washington, D.C.

U.S Senator John Hoeven and multiple North Dakota legislative leaders doorknock days before General Election
AM 1100 The Flag
“We’re out here with our great legislators, and we are going to do a little door-to-door, “said Hoeven, “It’s an honor and a privilege to serve. We love this, we like getting out and talking to people.” Hoeven criticized the Biden Administration on multiple topics, but pushed back against them the hardest on their energy policies. He says the current administration is working to “handcuff” the energy industry in North Dakota and across the United States, which he says has a direct impact on state residents. “He’s holding up leases on federal lands, both on shore and off, and then he says ‘oh, well you have leases, the company should produce the leases they have’, but they can’t because he is holding up the permits,” said Hoeven, “He won’t give us the permits, and when we get the permits, we’re held up in court.”

Officials break ground at new HAMC site
The Pierce County Tribune
Hoeven also recognized hospital employees and healthcare providers at HAMC. “You’re the ones who make it happen,” he said of the hospital’s providers. “You’re the ones who make a difference. You’re the ones that save people’s lives, take care of them and their families,” he added. Other dignitaries to speak included US Representative Kelly Armstrong, who gave a shout out to locals wearing hats from Dickinson High School. Armstrong addressed students in grades 3-6 from Little Flower Elementary School, who listened in the audience. “I’m just happy to be here to help celebrate this with you all today because it’s really important,” he added. “The facility doesn’t deliver health care; you don’t just do this for the community of Rugby; you do this for the whole region,” Armstrong added.

North Dakota deer opener arrives; hunters asked to help with CWD surveillance
The Bismarck Tribune 
U.S. Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., on Wednesday met with Game and Fish officials and representatives from sportsmen and livestock groups to discuss legislation that would provide $70 million per year to combat CWD. The money would be split between research and disease management, he said. The U.S. Department of Agriculture would administer the funds through cooperative agreements with state and tribal wildlife agencies and agriculture departments. “Hunting is both a longtime tradition in North Dakota and an important part of our economy,” Hoeven said in a statement, adding that if the bill passes it will bolster the efforts of states and tribes to combat CWD.

Sen. Cramer says North Dakota should fire ESG firms
KX News
On the federal level, North Dakota U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer has emerged as a leader in the fight against ESG investing. Cramer, a Senate Banking Committee member, introduced the Fair Access to Banking Act which would prevent discrimination by banks and financial service providers with respect to ESG criteria. We asked Cramer what the State Investment Board should do about having our money invested in four Net-Zero Banking Alliance firms. “Well, if I was king of the (State) Investment Board, they wouldn’t be. I guess that’s my personal view. I also don’t want to oversimplify how difficult it is to turn a ship like that around. And, I also don’t want to presume that there aren’t really good people working exactly toward that direction. I don’t speak for them. But no, I mean, I think it’s fairly common sense that we would not want to cut our nose despite our face. And that’s what we would be doing. In fact, what we ought to be doing is looking for more opportunities to invest that money right here in North Dakota,” explained U.S. Senator for North Dakota Kevin Cramer.

GOP Sen. Cramer: Biden Will Worsen Inflation by Spending to Address Heating Bills His Policies Hiked
Cramer said, “[E]ven if you don’t understand energy, if you just understand supply-side economics a little bit, you’d understand that discouraging supply and increasing demand is going to bring up the price. And that if you discourage further production, that the companies will have less to do with their money. They can’t reinvest it. You won’t let them reinvest it. So, it’s all very peculiar. And, like I said, I think it’s desperate. I’m not sure the president understands economics 101. But certainly, the treasury secretary should understand it. So, no, it’s very frustrating. But throw on top of that, now they want to give a whole bunch of money to people so they can pay their rising heat costs this winter, which are going to be, perhaps, as much as 50% or more higher than last year because of their policies, and then they’re going to put more money into it, which, of course, again, free money, oversupply of cash, just brings the price up even more. That’s not to say people don’t need the help. They’re going to need the help, but they’d rather have lower prices.”

Air Force’s new helicopter makes stop at Minot AFB
Minot Daily News
The new helicopters represent the future of rotorcraft support for missile security including enhanced speed, range and survivability, according to Boeing. The new helicopters are not expected to be permanently assigned to Minot AFB for some time yet. In November 2020, Sen. John Hoeven announced Grey Wolves are expected at the Minot base in 2026.

U.S. not facing diesel shortage, but prices are high
“Heating fuel, which is basically diesel, and it’s certainly priced with diesel, is in high demand. So, now you’re talking about affecting the lives of American people,” said Senator Kevin Cramer. And if diesel fuel prices are high, then the prices for the products that travel by diesel will remain high as well. The average price of diesel fuel in North Dakota is $5.34, down from a record high of $5.62 in June.

WWII veteran from Velva honored with Congressional Gold Medal
Sen. John Hoeven presented Effertz with the Congressional Gold Medal Tuesday. The Congressional Gold Medal is Congress’ highest appreciation for Effertz’s courage, bravery, and contributions during the war. “When Uncle Sam points and says, ‘I want you,’ and one of our service members raises their hand. Men and women, they’re signing the check for everything aren’t they,” said Sen. John Hoeven, R-ND.

White House shamed into deleting Social Security boast after Twitter fact-check
The New York Post
Rep. Kelly Armstrong predicted the administration’s next move. ​“​The increase is adjusted upwards because cost-of-living has gone up. They are literally taking credit for record high inflation. Up next from The Surgeon General: ​’​Why the high cost of eggs is good for your health​,’” the North Dakota Republican wrote on Twitter. ​

EXCLUSIVE: Armstrong speaks on need for accountability, prospects of impeachment and the war in Ukraine
The Valley City Times Record
“I think we’re definitely going to win back the House. I think the Senate is looking significantly better than it looked a month ago or even a week ago,” Armstrong said. “One of your fundamental problems with this is this: there are 435 house races up for contention right now…you have 435 people saying ‘it you vote for me, everything will change.’ (Except) it won’t. And one of the reasons it won’t is because we’re not going to have 60 votes in the Senate … and president Biden is still going to be in the White House. So what do we need to do? We need to pass good legislation in the House, and then whether it gets a hearing in the Senate or not, we conduct good oversight behind it.”

North Dakota updating pipeline safety programs
The Center Square
The North Dakota Public Service Commission is using a recent influx of federal dollars to implement pipeline safety programs. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Administration awarded $2.6 million in grants to the state, according to U.S. Sen. Kevin Cramer. The PSC will receive $354,635 for pipeline safety programs and an additional $46,770 for damage prevention programs, which educate the public about the state’s pipelines.

For some in North Dakota, the mail does not come through
The Dickinson Press
The office of U.S. Sen. John Hoeven, R-ND, which has been following the issue, said in a written response that most of the reports of delays have been coming from Minot. “Based on the increase in concerns recently, we have again raised these issues with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) District Office and have contacted the D.C. office as well,” the statement from his office said.

Hoeven: Technology can keep ND as energy leader
Minot Daily News
Technology has made North Dakota an energy leader, and technology can preserve that leadership into the future, Sen. John Hoeven, R-ND, told service club members at a joint meeting of Kiwanis, Sertoma and Rotary in Minot Monday. “Whether you agree with it or don’t agree with it, this country is now demanding that we reduce carbon emissions,” he said. “We have to see what’s going on in the world, and we have to address it, and we address it through leadership and working together and leading the way with these new technologies.”

Groundbreaking held for Minot North High School
Minot Daily News
Sen. John Hoeven, R-ND, who attended the groundbreaking, praised superintendent Mark Vollmer for his great efforts on behalf of kids and the great school board members and faculty and staff.

Put North Dakota First