Saturday, February 24, 2024
9:00 AM
Grand Forks Country Club
Coffee will be served. Mimosa & Bloody Mary bar available for purchase.
Participation Requirements:
District 18: district voting members need to be an 1) American citizen, 2) at least 18 years of age, 3) living in District 18 for at least 30 days, and 4) be current dues paying members at $45 per person, or $25 for enrolled college students. Annual dues end Dec 31st of each year, so 2024 dues need to be paid in 2024 to vote.
District 17: requirements for attendees are as follows – 1)Qualified Elector 2)D17 resident republican voter 3)Current Paid member of the North Dakota Republican Party
District 43:district voting members need to be an 1) American citizen, 2) at least 18 years of age, 3) living in District 43 for at least 30 days, and 4) be paid up member of the State Republican Party. Let me clarify that, they have to have their dues paid BEFORE VOTING! We will not “collect” dues at the Endorsing Convention. Annual dues end Dec 31st of each year, so 2024 dues need to be paid in 2024 to vote
Delegates and alternates must be members of District 42 Republicans ($42 – or $24 for students) and the NDGOP ($50). For those interested in voting for Delegates to the State GOP Convention, or being a Delegate or alternate, eligible D42 Republicans are required to pay 30 days before the meeting (U.S. citizen, 18 years or older, and living in D42 for 30 days).