District 11 Reorganization Meeting

District 11 Republicans will meet to reorganize on Monday, January 13, 2025 at the Jon L. Wanzek Center for Scouting (4200 19th Ave S, Fargo, ND). The meeting will convene at 6:30pm. Precinct caucuses (P1 & P2) will be held to elect precinct chairs and precinct committee people, followed by a District Committee meeting to elect a District Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. District dues are $11 and can be paid in advance at ndgop11.org or at the door. Current photo ID required. In case of severe weather, check the D11 website or Facebook page for postponement notice. This call is issued by Susy Oliver, D11 Chair. 

District 35 Reorganization Meeting

ND Republican Headquarters 1029 N 5th St, Bismarck

For the purpose of electing Precinct Committee and District Officers. District 35 Republicans are welcome!