District 32 Reorganization Meeting

Cafetorium – Wachter Middle School 1107 S. 7th Street, Bismarck, North Dakota, United States

The District 32 Republican Party will be holding precinct caucuses and district reorganization starting at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, February 21, 2025. This meeting will be held in the Cafetorium at Wachter Middle School located at 1107 S 7th St. Registration will start at 6:30 p.m. All Republicans residing in District 32 are invited and encouraged to participate.

District 46 Coffee with Republicans

1st International Bank & Trust – Fargo 3001 25th St S, Fargo, North Dakota, United States

Join us to connect with your District 46 Legislators and discuss the happenings of the 69th Legislative Assembly.

District 6 Reorganization Meeting

We will have our District 6 Republicans annual meeting and election of officers and executive committee members.Registration starts at 2 pmLegislative Update at 2:30Annual Meeting at 3:30 Deering Community HallMain StreetDeering, North Dakota 58731


District 44 Reorganization Meeting

Fargo Public Library 102 3rd St N, Fargo, North Dakota, United States

District 44 Republicans will hold a Reorganization Meeting on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at the downtown Fargo Public Library to elect officers and conduct party business. Registration will begin at 6:30pm, with the meeting commencing at 7:00pm. To participate, individuals must be of legal voting age, have resided in District 44 for at least 30 days and have paid the $20 annual membership dues in advance or at the door. For more information, contact Thomas Stromme at tomstromme@gmail.com.


BARC Monthly Meeting

Bismarck Elks Club 900 S Washington St, Bismarck, ND, United States

Every legislative year we adjust our meeting day to Saturdays.  The meetings will be the first Saturday noon of January, February, March and April in the elevated area of the Dining Room at the Bismarck-Mandan Elks Lodge.  Seafood Saturday is available in the main bar, and you can order off the menu in the TR bar (upstairs).  There is no service, you will need to retrieve your own food and beverage prior to the meeting.

District 37 Lincoln Day Dinner

Biesiot Activity Center 398 State Ave N, Dickinson, ND, United States

Lincoln Day DinnerGuest Speaker: Governor Kelly ArmstrongMonday, March 3, 2025Biesiot Activities Center at DSU398 State Ave – Dickinson, ND 58601 No Host Social: 5:30 p.m. Dinner: 6:00 p.m. Tickets: $50.00 Per PersonSponsored by: District 37 Republican Party District 37 has the following membership options:R-150 – for $150 it includes a dinner ticket and State Party membership.R-300 – for $300 it includes 2 dinner tickets and 2 State Party memberships.Chairman’s Club – for $500 it includes 2 dinner tickets, 2 State Party memberships and 2 Chairman BBQ tickets. These memberships are all tied to our Lincoln Day Dinner which is our major fundraiser. Contact Chairman Mitch Baesler to purchase tickets @701-527-5870


District 2 & 4 Republicans Joint Meeting

The Pines 440 Reservoir Rd, Stanley, North Dakota, United States

Why Attend? To hear updates from your legislatorsLearn about important issuesAllow your voice to be heard!

District 39 Reorganization Meeting

ND GOP District 39 Republicans Re-organizational meeting will take place Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at the Memorial Hall in New England, ND. Registration 5 PM – 6:30PM (mt), meeting starts at 6:30 pm (mt). Must be a registered district member at start of meeting to vote. Pre-registration is available on NDGOP District 39 website  www.ndgopdistrict39.org $39/Registration fee – Registration is good for two calendar years.”


BARC Monthly Meeting

Bismarck Elks Club 900 S Washington St, Bismarck, ND, United States

Every legislative year we adjust our meeting day to Saturdays.  The meetings will be the first Saturday noon of January, February, March and April in the elevated area of the Dining Room at the Bismarck-Mandan Elks Lodge.  Seafood Saturday is available in the main bar, and you can order off the menu in the TR bar (upstairs).  There is no service, you will need to retrieve your own food and beverage prior to the meeting.

District 38 Reorganization Meeting

Motel 6 1515 22nd Avenue SW, Minot, North Dakota, United States

District 38 Republicans will hold its Reorganization meeting April 5th at 2pm. D38 has a requirement to vote at the reorganization meeting you must be a member in the prior year (2024).
