Deadline List

No later than May 15 every odd-numbered year

Legislative Endorsing Convention: Must be held prior to the date established by the SOS office when the certificates of endorsement filing are due.

District Convention to Elect Delegates to the State Convention: Elections must be held sometime between January 1 – March 1 as stated in the State Party rules. If not all delegate slots are filled, appointments may be made by the district chair up until the registration deadline.

District Committee ‘Definitions’

Re-Organization: Every odd year, the district must caucus to re-elect a district chairman and officers. On or before May 15th, a caucus must be held by every party legislative district. The district party may organize the caucus by precinct or on an at-large basis for the entire district, consistent with state rules and district bylaws.

State Convention: Every even year the State Party holds a State Convention to endorse Republican candidates for state office and resolve the work of the Resolutions

District Conventions: can be held separately or on the same day (at the discretion of the District Chair)

Legislative Endorsing Convention: During an election year for your district, the chair must call a meeting to endorse one senate and two house legislative candidates who are seeking the Republican Party endorsement. The meeting must uphold both state and district bylaws. If the legislative election falls in the same year as the NDGOP State Convention, this meeting may be held in correspondence with the district convention to elect delegates to the state convention. Convention to Elect Delegates to the State Convention: Every even year, each district must hold a district convention to elect delegates to attend the NDGOP state convention.