i’d be panicked, too

In the article below, Rob Port details the recent acts of desperation by Heidi Heitkamp, including her most recent immigration flip-flop and the excuses she’s already making for losing this election.

It’s no surprise her campaign is in full-panic mode. If I had nothing more than Heitkamp’s liberal, out-of-touch record and excuses the voters aren’t buying, I’d be panicked too.

In case you missed it…

It Kinda Seems Like the Heitkamp Campaign Is Panicking

Rob Port | Say Anything Blog


A couple of things have happened which make me think that Senator Heidi Heitkamp’s campaign is in full-on panic mode.

For one thing the Democratic Senator gave an exclusive interviewto Breitbart– yes, that Breitbart, a news outlet derided by Heitkamp’s political base as a digital den for white nationalists – in which she touted her supposedly long-time support for a border wall.

“I’ve always supported increased and enhanced border security along our southwest border with Mexico – including physical barriers, sensors, drones, and more resources at our ports of entry – and yes, wall funding as well. My votes clearly reflect a commitment to robust border security funding,” Heitkamp said.

I’m not sure that squares with the Senator’s voting record. “I just wish we could get beyond it,” she said of the border wall issue last year. She voted against a border fence in 2013. She voted against cracking down on sanctuary cities in 2015, 2016, and 2018.

This year she also voted for legislation which would have provided permanent residence for illegal immigrants without funding a border wall.

But it’s not just that Heitkamp, despite the aforementioned voting record, is suddenly pitching herself as a border hawk to an “alt-right” website (to use the parlance of the Senator’s political base). She’s also playing the Russia card:

Heitkamp, responding to a question during a meeting with The Forum Editorial Board, said she believes the Russians could try to intercede on Cramer’s behalf in the race.

“I would be a fool if I didn’t think that was true,” Heitkamp said.

To be fair to Heitkamp she was responding to a question from theFargo Forumeditorial board, who in turn was working off a batty columnby left wing commentator Lloyd Omdahl, but if I had to guess I’d say the editorial board was probably surprised that Heitkamp took a bite at that particular apple.

Cramer, for his part, laughed it off. “It sounds like a really pathetic excuse for poor performance in the election in advance,” he said.

That’s what I thought too when I read the initial story about Heitkamp’s comments (which, at the time, didn’t yet include Cramer’s response).

Is Heitkamp laying the ground work to excuse what would be a devastating loss on the statewide ballot for North Dakota Democrats this cycle?

It kinda seems like it. Blaming the Russians would mean Democrats wouldn’t have to acknowledge that they stand for things most voters here just don’t want.


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