NDGOP Roughrider – September 16, 2024

September 16, 2024

2024 Election Updates
Election Integrity
Election day is only 48 days away. We need YOU to step up for the General Election by volunteering to be a poll workerpoll watcher, or serve on your local county canvassing board.
Visit the election integrity webpage to submit your application or contact victory2024@ndgop.org with your questions.
Visit the SOS webpage to learn your district, county, precinct, school, judicial district, closest polling place, and other useful information.
Haven’t had a chance to connect with your local district chair? Contact them today! Visit this page to learn more.
The Winning Republican Slate
Visit the 2024 Republican Candidate Webpage to learn more about your endorsed Republican candidates for statewide offices.
Key Election DatesSeptember 26, 2024: Absentee and Vote-by-Mail beginsNovember 4, 2024: Absentee and Vote-by-Mail submission deadlineNovember 5, 2024: General ElectionNovember 18, 2024: County Canvassing Boards meet
Learn how to vote here: https://ndgop.org/ndelections/
Upcoming Events
Thursday September 19, 2024Republican Rise and ShineEvery Thursday 8:00 – 9:30 AMLocation: NDGOP Headquarters1029 N 5th Street Bismarck ND 58503
Friday September 20, 2024District 46 Fundraiser: An Evening with Sen. Cramer and D46 CandidatesTime: 5:30-8:30 PMLocation: Fargo, ND$50/ticketVisit >> this link << to purchase a ticket/RSVP
Join the Fedorchak Campaign at the NDSU Homecoming ParadeDate: Friday, Sept. 20thTime: Lineup at 5:15 pm; Parade begins at 6:00 pmLocation: 1800 University Dr, Fargo, ND 58102Contact: Karen@julie4nd.com or 701-426-3135
Saturday September 21, 2024Join the Fedorchak Campaign at the West Fest ParadeDate: Saturday, Sept. 21stTime: Lineup at 11:00 am; Parade begins at NoonLocation: 2028th St W, West Fargo, ND 58078Contact: Karen@julie4nd.com or 701-426-3135
District 33 Fall DinnerTime: 5:00 PMLocation: Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center2568 8th St SW Washburn, ND 58577$33/person for dinner, 18 & under are freeFor more information or to purchase a raffle ticket, visit this page
NDGOP Insider Updates
Fargo Victory Office
The NDGOP Team is excited to announce the opening of a new NDGOP Victory Office in Fargo! Your engagement can drive meaningful change and energize our community. Whether it’s volunteering, spreading the message, or just getting involved, your participation is crucial.
Visit the Fargo Victory office to pickup yard signs, learn more about voting, or sign up to volunteer on campaigns. You might even volunteer to pickup a shift at the office. Email victory2024@ndgop.org if you are willing to serve a shift here and there.
NDGOP Fargo Victory Office
16 16th Street South, Suite 100
Fargo, ND 58103
(701) 526-3139
We sold out of Trump signs, but we expect another shipment late this week.
What We’re Reading
Wall Street Journal: Harris Tells a Fracking HowlerWhat I Saw at the Revolution: A Political Life in the Reagan Era – Peggy Noonan“Beware the politically obsessed. They are often bright and interesting, but they have something missing in their natures; there is a hole, an empty place, and they use politics to fill it up. It leaves them somehow misshapen.” – Noonan
Suggestions? Let us know what you’re reading!

🎙️Chairwoman Sandi Sanford on The Dakotan🎙️



There are many ways that YOU, the constituent, can interact with the legislative process in North Dakota!

  • Act as a delegate or alternate at the state or national Republican convention(s)
  • Sign up to volunteer with NDGOP

Mark down the dates:

  • Key election dates:
    • Primary election: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
      • Federals, Statewides, District, & County office primary
    • General election: Tuesday, November 5, 2024
      • Federals, Statewides, District, & County office primary, Presidential
    • Local elections (see the attached election calendar)
      • Schoolboard, township, district legislative
  • Methods of voting
    • Voting through mail – find AB/EV information here
    • In-person at your nearest polling place – find polling location information here

Put North Dakota First