Category: Agriculture

  • more politics at its worst

    more politics at its worst

    Kevin Cramer and Heidi Heitkamp penned dueling Farm Bill op-eds for the Bismarck Tribune and the contrast with Heitkamp’s op-ed could not be more clear. While Kevin Cramer focused solely on North Dakota’s farmers, Heidi Heitkamp seems exclusively focused on Kevin Cramer. Look no further than the fact that Heitkamp’s piece criticized Cramer more times…

  • not what North Dakotans want to see

    not what North Dakotans want to see

    Hey everyone— Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Agriculture Deputy Secretary Steve Censky’s visitto Fargo today serves as a strong reminder that Sen. Heidi Heitkamp is wrong for North Dakota’s agricultural community. Their visit comes at the request of Rep. Kevin Cramer, who believes in putting politics aside to help rural North Dakotans. Part of that…

  • Where’s the beef?

    Where’s the beef?

    Hey everyone— Kevin Cramer’s Senate campaign launched a new ad calling out Heitkamp’s liberal allies for their incredibly misleading claims on Cramer’s record. BACKGROUND: Heidi Heitkamp’s Democrat party boss and high-five partnerChuck Schumer descended on North Dakota to try to help save her failing campaign. Schumer’s Super PAC is airing a false attack adon Cramer’s…

  • When they go low, Cramer goes high

    Yesterday Senate leadership announced Senators John Hoeven and Heidi Heitkamp will be joining their colleague Rep. Kevin Cramer on the Farm Bill Conference Committee. Reactions to this announcement further highlighted the stark differences between Heidi Heitkamp and Kevin Cramer. Heitkamp’s team has previously used this process to play politics with North Dakota’s agricultural community. As John Hageman points out in…

  • Heidi’s Trade Troubles

    In a blatantly political maneuver, Heidi Heitkamp came out against President Trump’s plan to protect America’s agriculture industry from China’s trade retaliations. Rob Port detailed Heitkamp’s politically motivated actions, pointing out that politicians like Heitkamp “are opposed to fixing problems that are politically advantageous to them.” As Heidi Heitkamp continues to play politics with North Dakota farmers, it’s…

  • Now THIS is “politics at its worst”

    You’d think Heidi Heitkamp’s team would learn by now to be more careful with digital ads, but apparently they haven’t. Yesterday, North Dakota Democrats released a digital ad falsely claiming Kevin Cramer is ignoring the concerns of North Dakota farmers. This falsehood came just one day after Cramer was appointed to the Farm Bill Conference Committee, a move Cramer welcomed…

  • Heidi Heitkamp is playing politics with North Dakota farmers

    Yesterday Rep. Kevin Cramer was appointed to the Farm Bill Conference Committee, a major win for North Dakota’s farmers and ranchers who will have a voice on our nation’s ag policy for years to come. But you wouldn’t know this from listening to Heidi Heitkamp. Heitkamp’s team shamelessly called this victory for North Dakota farmers…