District 20 Convention to Elect Delegates and Endorse Candidates

Participation Requirements: Requirements to be a voting member American Citizen, at least 18 years old, Living in District 20 for 30 days, Current Dues paying member of District 20 and Current Dues paying member of the NDGOP Requirement to seek the District’s Legislative Endorsement: a) be a voting member of District 20 Republican Party b) notify the District Chair 14 Days prior to the convention. Date and Time – Feb. 25th at 2:00pm.  The doors open for District Voting Membership Verification at 1:30pm Location: Lukasen Room at Mayville State University, 330 3rd St NE, Mayville, ND 58257 Purpose: This meeting will serve to endorse the District 20 Legislative Candidates and Elect State Convention Delegates. Contact Information: Sarah Lovas, District 20 Republican Party Chair – 701-866-1704 

District 23 GOP Delegate Election

Williston Research Extension Center (Ernie French) 14120 US Hwy 2 Williston, North Dakota 58801 Holand Neubauer holandneubauer@gmail.com

D6 Lincoln Day Dinner/ Convention to Elect Candidates and Endorse Delegates

District 6 Republicans will have their State Delegate Convention and their Endorsing Convention on Feb 25th in Upham ND at the American Legion Hall starting at 3 with a social and registration. The D6 Delegates for the NDGOP state convention will be held at the meeting starting at 3:30. We will have speakers and break for a free Will offering chili feed and then resume with speakers and our Endorsing Convention where we will endorse candidates for the District 6 House and Senate. Please contact District 6 Chair Reed Kramer for more information or to be put on the list of potential state convention delegates. American Legion HallN Main StUpham, North Dakota 58789United States

District 1 Convention to Elect Delegates

Participation Requirements: Must be a District 1 dues paying member to participate ($20). Location: Old Armory320 1st Ave EWilliston, North Dakota 58801United StatesContact: nelson.eric.p@gmail.com