District 12 Convention to Elect Delegates & Endorse Candidates
District 12 Convention to Elect Delegates & Endorse Candidates
Location: Gladstone Inn, downtown Jamestown 111 2nd St NE Contact: Rep. Mitch Ostlie mitch@ostlieinsurance.com
Location: Gladstone Inn, downtown Jamestown 111 2nd St NE Contact: Rep. Mitch Ostlie mitch@ostlieinsurance.com
Century High School1000 East Century AvenueBismarck, North Dakota 58503United States Pay your 2024 NDGOP dues prior to the meeting to participate.Renew Your NDGOP Membership
On February 8, Republicans in Cass County will meet to conduct vital party business, including electing delegates to the state convention. Watch URCND.org for more details coming soon. Districts included as of 1/29/2024: 5:30 Doors open for registration and mingling6:00 Main program – speakers to be announced7:00 District breakout sessions PRACS4801 Amber Valley Pkwy SFargo, North Dakota 58104United States Email: info@urcnd.org
Location: Sleep Inn – Sunshine Breakfast Room2400 10th St SWMinot, North Dakota 58701United States Participation Requirements: $20.00 district membership required, can be paid at the door. Proof of payment of 2024 NDGOP dues required prior to being placed on the ballot as a delegate candidate. ($50.00) Contact: Travis Zablotney (701) 509-8271 d5ndgop@protonmail.com
Location: 87 8th Ave NCarrington, North Dakota 58421United States Participation Requirements: Nominations accepted from the floor Contact: Ann Hoggarth annneary@pm.me
Carrington City LibraryCarrington, North Dakota 58421United States Event Contact Person Ann HoggarthContact Phone (701) 630-9240Contact Email annneary@pm.me
Location: 87 8th Ave NCarrington, North Dakota 58421United States Participation Requirements: State Party dues $50 or signed affidavit at the door Contact: Ann Neary annneary@pm.me
Keynote Speaker: Rep. Kelly Armstrong **Prizes will follow after speaker**
The NDGOP staff will be observing Presidents Day and will not be in the office. The office will reopen Tuesday the 20th at 9:00AM.
Location: Sleep Inn – Sunrise Room2400 10th St SWMinot, North Dakota 58701United States Participation Requirements: https://www.district3nd.com/district-3-delegate-election-2024Contact: Greg Demme(701) 240-8173
McKenzie County Ag Expo, 12880 25th St NW, Watford City, ND 58854 District Convention to Elect Delegates, and Legislator Endorsing Convention. District dues of $25 a year can be paid at the meeting.
Location: Growing small towns in Oakes Nd Contact: Bart Schott – bartonschott1@gmail.com
Lincoln Day Dinner & Convention: to include speaker, door prizes, candidate endorsing, election of delegates, fund raising. Meal starts at 6pm. Come be a part of electing the best candidates possible to have placed on the ballot!!State dues need to be paid prior to endorsement.Event sponsors and voleteers needed!!Please RSVP by February 5th and contact your chairman regarding event sponsoring, openings for volenteers, interest in running for office or being a delegate.For questions contact Mrs Cole or district Chairman at district4@1fj.com 406.480.6909
Lincoln Day Dinner Guest Speakers: Statewide Republican Candidates Monday, February 19, 2024 Roosevelt Grand Dakota Hotel532 15 th St. West – Dickinson, North Dakota No Host Social: 5:00 P.M. Dinner: 5:30 P.M. Tickets: $50 per person Tickets are available from District 36, 37, and 39 Republicans or by phone at (701) 527-5870 Paid by District 37 Republicans, Dean Rummel, Treasurer. Sponsored by Republican Districts 36, 37, and 39. All solicitations of funds in connection with the event are by the District Republican Parties and not by any Statewide Republican Candidate.
Monday evening February 19th 2024 5pm social hour 6pm meal followed by the endorsing convention The event will be held at the Garrison, ND Senior Center.
Doors open at 5 PM District Convention – Delegate Selection Where: Baymont Inn, 2611 Old Red Trail Mandan ND 58554 Participation Requirements: District 31: None established District 34: Must be a dues paying member of the state GOP to vote
Doors open at 5:30. District 46 Republican Party to hold an Endorsing Convention on Wednesday, March 20,2024 to endorse two candidates for North Dakota House of Representatives and one candidate for North Dakota Senate for the June 11, 2024 primary election. Candidates seeking endorsement must notify the District Chair, Rob Muntz, or a member of the District 46 Republican Party Executive Committee of their intention, in writing, on or before March 5, 2024 and meet all requirements of District 46 Republican Party bylaws and North Dakota Century Code. This meeting will be held at Red River Coffee Co., 2600 52nd Ave S, Suite 101, Fargo, ND 58104. Registration and payment of $25 dues begins at 5:30pm. Meeting to begin at 6pm. Members of District 46 District Committee, elected at the May 11, 2023 Reorganizational meeting or since appointed, must pay their 2024 dues prior to the start of the meeting to qualify to vote for candidate endorsement. Dues paying members of District 46 Republican Party, that are not members of the District Committee, may attend to observe only. Meeting is not open to the media or non-dues paying public. Proxy voting is not allowed. Contact Rob Muntz, District 46 Republican Party Chair with questions at 330-808-2220 or ramuntz@yahoo.com.
District 46 will be electing delegates on February 22nd at Red River Coffee Co. in south Fargo. Doors will open at 5:30 for registration and payment of dues. Meeting will begin at 6pm. Red River Coffee, 2600 52nd Ave S, Fargo, ND 58104 District membership dues are $25 ($10 for full-time students). Must be a resident of the district and commit to support the principles of the Republican Party and intend to support its candidates. Contact Rob Muntz with any questions. ramuntz@yahoo.com
148 E Main St, Valley City, ND 58072 Contact: Dan Johnston danjohnstonforhouse@gmail.com District 24 will conduct our candidate convention and delegate convention concurrently on Feb.23rd, starting at 5:30 pm. The location for the conventions will be held at our district headquarters at 148 E. Main, Valley City.
Saturday, February 24, 20249:00 AMGrand Forks Country Club Coffee will be served. Mimosa & Bloody Mary bar available for purchase. Participation Requirements: District 18: district voting members need to be an 1) American citizen, 2) at least 18 years of age, 3) living in District 18 for at least 30 days, and 4) be current dues paying members at $45 per person, or $25 for enrolled college students. Annual dues end Dec 31st of each year, so 2024 dues need to be paid in 2024 to vote. District 17: requirements for attendees are as follows – 1)Qualified Elector 2)D17 resident republican voter 3)Current Paid member of the North Dakota Republican Party District 43:district voting members need to be an 1) American citizen, 2) at least 18 years of age, 3) living in District 43 for at least 30 days, and 4) be paid up member of the State Republican Party. Let me clarify that, they have to have their dues paid BEFORE VOTING! We will not “collect” dues at the Endorsing Convention. Annual dues end Dec 31st of each year, so 2024 dues need to be paid in 2024 to vote Delegates and alternates must be members of District 42 Republicans ($42 – or $24 for students) and the NDGOP ($50). For those interested in voting for Delegates to the State GOP Convention, or being a Delegate or alternate, eligible D42 Republicans are required to pay 30 days before the meeting (U.S. citizen, 18 years or older, and living in D42 for 30 days). Contact: sadie_hanson@yahoo.com
Location: Memorial Building, 508 4th Ave NE, Devils Lake, ND 58301 Participation Requirements: If you would like to be a Delegate for the State Convention please let me know ahead of the meeting, or you can sign up at the meeting as well. If you would like to run for a position on the District 15 Committee during the Reorg, please let me know what position you would like to run for no later than February 17th Use this link to determine if you are within the district boundaries. https://vip.sos.nd.gov/wheretovote.aspx Contact: Jason Pierce pierce_932002@yahoo.com
Location: City Auditorium The District 19 Republican Party will hold its district convention Saturday February 24th, at the city auditorium in Park River. Registration will open at 12:30 pm and the convention will come to order at 1:30 pm. Business will include election of delegates to the NDGOP state convention. Check out our website www.ndgop19.com for more information. Participation Requirements: To participate at the district convention, an individual must be an American citizen, a resident of District 19 and intend to vote and affiliate with the Republican Party in the next general election. Delegate candidates must be members of the NDGOP. Please bring identification to prove residence in the district. Contact: Isaac Stegman – iestegman@gmail.com
Those seeking to be delegates must pay their state party dues of $50 prior to the convention. Use this link to determine if you are within the district boundaries. https://vip.sos.nd.gov/wheretovote.aspx Contact Judy Estenson: 701-351-53375
Requirements to Participate: $10 Delegates fee 2024 State GOP Membership
Participation Requirements: Requirements to be a voting member American Citizen, at least 18 years old, Living in District 20 for 30 days, Current Dues paying member of District 20 and Current Dues paying member of the NDGOP Requirement to seek the District’s Legislative Endorsement: a) be a voting member of District 20 Republican Party b) notify the District Chair 14 Days prior to the convention. Date and Time – Feb. 25th at 2:00pm. The doors open for District Voting Membership Verification at 1:30pm Location: Lukasen Room at Mayville State University, 330 3rd St NE, Mayville, ND 58257 Purpose: This meeting will serve to endorse the District 20 Legislative Candidates and Elect State Convention Delegates. Contact Information: Sarah Lovas, District 20 Republican Party Chair – 701-866-1704
Williston Research Extension Center (Ernie French) 14120 US Hwy 2 Williston, North Dakota 58801 Holand Neubauer holandneubauer@gmail.com
District 6 Republicans will have their State Delegate Convention and their Endorsing Convention on Feb 25th in Upham ND at the American Legion Hall starting at 3 with a social and registration. The D6 Delegates for the NDGOP state convention will be held at the meeting starting at 3:30. We will have speakers and break for a free Will offering chili feed and then resume with speakers and our Endorsing Convention where we will endorse candidates for the District 6 House and Senate. Please contact District 6 Chair Reed Kramer for more information or to be put on the list of potential state convention delegates. American Legion HallN Main StUpham, North Dakota 58789United States
Participation Requirements: Must be a District 1 dues paying member to participate ($20). Location: Old Armory320 1st Ave EWilliston, North Dakota 58801United StatesContact: nelson.eric.p@gmail.com
Sign Up for dues will begin at 4:30PM.Convention will begin around 5-5:30, dependent on crowd and candidates.
Sleep Inn2400 10th St SW, Minot, ND 58701Event Contact Person James William SimonsContact Phone (701) 240-8277Contact Email minotranger@min.midco.net
District 38 Republicans will be having our Nominating and Endorsing Convention following the Lincoln Day Dinner event. In addition, District 40 Republicans will be having their Delegate election following dinner. Dinner Starts at 6pm with the District 38 and 40 activities to follow at approximately 730pm. Dues to vote in both districts are $10. If you wish to come for dinner also that is $30. District 40 requires candidates for delegate positions to have paid their State Party Dues of $50.
Location: 465 Pacific Ave, Medora, ND 58645 Contact: Jacob Odermann jaodermann@gmail.com Participation Requirements: D39 Membership $39 (eligible for 2 years – if paid last year, don’t have to pay this year)