State Party Response Regarding Convention


Regarding an attempt to convene a convention, pursuant to NDGOP rules, only the Chairman and Executive Committee can issue a call for convention and must do so 90 days in advance. Due to COVID-19, that was not practically possible within the time constraints necessary to conduct the normal business of a convention.

The primary election is done and the statewide Republican candidates for the General Election have been legally determined.

The remaining convention business was submitted to the convention delegates by mail ballot. The NDGOP is now actively implementing the will the of the delegates expressed by the results of those ballots.

The NDGOP has not issued another call for convention and does not support the event on July 25th.  The event can not be conducted under the name of the North Dakota Republican Party.  The NDGOP will not and cannot be responsible for any contracts or debts incurred as a result of your event.

As a final recap of our state convention, there were 3 party issues that we addressed via the absentee ballots:

  1. Election of delegates to the national convention. The RNC has granted us a waiver and approved our delegates to the National Convention.
  2. Election of National Committeeman & Committeewoman. According to our rules, national committeeman & committeewoman can be elected by the delegates of the state convention or by the delegates to the national convention. The national delegates voted to approve, after a motion for a unanimous ballot was made by Kyle Handegard for Lori Hinz and Shane Goettle.
  3. Election of Presidential Electors. We will be ratifying the choices made by you at our state committee meeting in July.

Just to confirm, all of the Party business we are required to act on has or will be completed in accordance with results of our mail voting.

Thank you for your understanding of this process and in participating in our mail in voting. Your vote along with ratification has completed our required party decisions.

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