In another desperate attempt to remake her image, liberal Democrat Heidi Heitkamp is trying to call out Hillary Clinton last night for saying Democrats “cannot be civil” with Republicans.
Heidi, where have you been?
After she endorsed Hillary in 2016, Heitkamp remained one of Hillary’s biggest backers as Clinton called half the country deplorable, said President Trump would cause a recession, denounced his plan to combat illegal immigration, and claimed states like North Dakota were only “looking backwards.”
With her campaign on the brink of defeat, cheap political stunts like this are too little, too late for the Heitkamp campaign. If she really thought Clinton’s comments were “disgraceful,” Heitkamp would call on Hillary Clinton’s Super PAC to pull out of North Dakota.
“Heidi Heitkamp has spent the last six years ignoring the will of her constituents and dutifully following her liberal party leaders like Hillary Clinton,” said North Dakota Republican Party Communications Director Jake Wilkins. “One cable news appearance won’t make voters forget her support for higher taxes, dangerous sanctuary cities, and opposition to Justice Kavanaugh.”