Kevin Cramer yesterday released a new ad attacking Heidi Heitkamp’s record of support for late-term abortion.
Heitkamp’s liberal position on late-term abortion isn’t shared by North Dakotans, who strongly support the late-term abortion ban Heitkamp has repeatedly voted against. Not only is her position out-of-touch, it’s not the position North Dakotans voted for.
As The Atlantic’s Elaina Plott reports, “During her first Senate campaign in 2012, Heitkamp argued that late-term abortion should be illegal ‘except when necessary to save the life of the mother.’” Yet in 2015, she voted to filibuster a bill that would ban abortions after the fifth month of pregnancy. As The Weekly Standard’s John McCormack reported at the time, when he attempted to ask about her seeming change of heart, Heitkamp ‘refused to talk about it.‘”
Heidi Heitkamp needs to finally answer for why she turned against the will of North Dakotans. With a record of such blatant hypocrisy, it’s no wonder Heitkamp is telling reporters she’s “worried about getting reelected.”
In case you missed it…