Endorsing Convention D40
KC Club 2601 North Broadway, Minot, North Dakota, United StatesEndorsement of District 40 legislative candidates to represent District 40 as our endorsed candidates.
Endorsement of District 40 legislative candidates to represent District 40 as our endorsed candidates.
This is the official notice of a meeting of the Committee on Credentials for the NDGOP State Convention.
NDGOP Rules provide that District Chairmen may not make changes to their State Convention delegate lists after March 21. Email delegates@ndgop.org with any changes to your previously submitted list before midnight.
Join us to learn how you can use parliamentarianprocedure to conduct meetings, assure fairness andcomplete business in an orderly manner! We welcomeAl Gage, a professional parliamentarian, who hasworked with the RNC as well as many nationalorganizations. Come and find out how you can makeRobert’s Rules work for you!
Coachman Café, Cooperstown ND Friday Mar 22, 2024- 6:30-10 PM Dinner Choice Of Prime Rib or Shrimp Tickets $50 Speakers: Josh Gallion, State Auditor Jim Bartlett for Superintendent of Public Instruction (Advocates putting the 10 commandments back in our schools) Contact our board for tickets: Chair: Ann Hoggarth -annneary@pm.me 701-630-9240 1stVice Chair: Gail Kollman 701-371-4053 2nd Vice Chair: Randy Kollman-rkollman22@gmail.com 701-269-0006 Secretary :Leann Lindteigen -l.lindteigen@hotmail.com 701-202-6135 Treasurer: Megan Karlowsky -karlowskys4@gmail.com 701-269-4948
This is a closed meeting of the NDGOP State Committee. Meeting of the State Committee of the North Dakota Republican Party Saturday, March 23, 2024 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM NDGOP Headquarters 1029 N 5th St, Bismarck, ND 58501 The office will open at 8:00 AM, with light refreshments available at 9:00 AM. If you intend to send a proxy please advise NDGOP HQ via proxy@ndgop.org before the meeting convenes. Proxies must pay State Party dues.
Delegates to the NDGOP State Convention must pay State Party dues (any donation of $50 or more) no later than March 26 (10 days before the State Convention as provided for in our Party Rules). The final deadline to register for the State Convention is April 1, but applying earlier helps the Credentialing Committee, Rules Committee, and printing vendors prepare for your convention experience.
This is the official notice of a meeting of the Committee on Credentials for the NDGOP State Convention.
According to our rules, all delegates to the NDGOP State Convention must register no later than the Monday preceding the Convention. It is helpful to the Credentialing Committee, Rules Committee, and our printing partners when you register earlier. Delegates will need a passcode to register. Duly elected or appointed delegates may request their district-specific passcode from their respective District Chairmen.
Monthly lunch with Cass County Republicans. Special guest will be Rep Kelly Armstrong who is a candidate for ND Governor. Rsvp by noon on March 1 for the advanced rate of $20. After that time the cost will be $25. Contact Tammy Owens for more information.
Location: SHAC in Fargo Time: TBD
Location: The SHAC in Fargo Time: TBD